Dr. Klas S. Lackschewitz
GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
Wischhofstraße 1-3
24148 Kiel
Als Antragsteller
abgeschlossene Projekte
Hoch- und Niedrigtemperatur-Alteration ultramafischer Ozeankruste: Mineralogie, Geochemie und isotopische Eigenschaften von Hydrothermalsystemen am Mittelatlantischen Rücken zwischen 14° und 15°N
Als Beteiligte Person
abgeschlossene Projekte
The Role of High- and Low-Temperature Ocean Crust Alteration for the Marine Calcium Budget
An "Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)" for sPP 1144 and German marine science
The Influence of Phase Separation on the Ca isotope Composition and Fluxes in Hydrothermal Systems
Biosignatures in precipitates and altered rocks at hydrothermal systems of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: organic geochemistry, microbiology and petrography
A combined petrological, geochemical and geochronological study of the magmatic rocks surrounding the Logatchev hydrothermal field.
Gas chemistry and carbon cycling at hydrothermal systems along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: time- and space-referenced biogeochemical and isotopic investigations
Process study of vertical mixing near the sea floor inside the central valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 37°N