Professor Dr. Claus Schönig (†)
As Applicant
Completed projects
Wiedergefundenes Erbe - N.P. Dyrenkovas schorische folkloristische Texte und ethnographische Untersuchungen vom Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts
(Research Grants)
Der Stamm der Sarbagit - eine kirgisische Stammes-Chronik nach dem 1991 beendeten Manuskript von Japar Kenciev
(Research Grants)
Die Literatur der alten Türken von Turfan und Dunhuang
(Research Grants)
Alttürkische Runeninschriften in der Republik Altai (Russische Föderation)
(Research Grants)
Linguistic varieties of Old Turkic
(Research Grants)
Finite and non-finite subordinated clauses in the Babur-name
(Research Grants)
Mongolic elements in Turkic. Survey on borrowings with respect to age, distribution and phonetical and semantic changes to derive more detailed knowledge of the development of the Mongolic-Turkic relations in connection with historical ongoings (if possible).
(Research Grants)
As Participating Researcher
Completed projects
GSC 153: Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies
(Graduate Schools)