Project Details
Professor Dr. Günther Heinemann
Universität Trier
Fachbereich VI - Raum- und Umweltwissenschaften
Fach Umweltmeteorologie
Behringstraße 21
54296 Trier
As Applicant
Completed projects
Untersuchung katabatischer Windsysteme in der Antarktis und in Grönland (Research Grants)
Untersuchungen der stabilen Grenzschicht in Grönland (Research Grants)
Investigation of the stable boundary layer over Greenland (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Simulation of topography-induced convection in the COPS area (STICCA) (Priority Programmes)
Sea Ice Mass Balances influenced by Ice Shelves (SIMBIS) (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Ice-ocean-atmosphere interactions in the western Weddell Sea: Coastal polynyas, cyclones and bottom water formation (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Quantification of sea ice production in the southern Weddell Sea using a synergy of numerical simulations and remote sensing data (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Circum-Antarctic sea-ice lead frequencies and regional characteristics from satellite imagery (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Regional high-resolution Downscaling of Climate Change in the Antarctic (REDOCCA) (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
As Leader
Completed projects
Wind- LIDAR (Major Research Instrumentation)
Completed projects
As Project Head
Completed projects
Struktur und Prozeßanalyse der regionalen Niederschlagsbildung (Collaborative Research Centres)
Completed projects