Professor Dr. Gerhard Heyer
Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig
Karl-Tauchnitz-Straße 1
04107 Leipzig
As Applicant
Current projects
(Semi-)Automated thematic text classification as a basis for corpus-linguistic value-added services
(Research data and software)
Completed projects
Inhaltsbasierte Suche von Textdokumenten in großen verteilten Systemen - Search for text documents in large distributed systems
(Research Grants)
Vernetzte Repositorien: Automatische Anreicherung von OAI Metadaten mit Hilfe computerlinguistischer Verfahren und Entwicklung von Services für die inhaltsorientierte Vernetzung von Repositorien (Ausschreibung Repositorien)
(Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch)
iLCM - A virtual research infrastructure for large-scale qualitative data
(Research data and software)
Actionality classes and cross-linguistic coding tendencies. Typological research and development of an analysis software tool
(Research Grants)
NN/FST - Unsupervised OCR-Postcorrection based on Neural Networks and Finite-state Transducers
(Research data and software)
FAME: A Framework for Argument Mining and Evaluation
(Research Grants)
Information distribution and language structure - correlation of grammatical expressions of the noun/verb distinction and lexical information content in Tagalog, Indonesian and German
(Research Grants)
As Participating Researcher
Completed projects
GRK 399: Universality and Diversity: Linguistic Structures and Processes
(Research Training Groups)
GRK 446: Knowledge Representation
(Research Training Groups)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Sprachtheoretische Grundlagen der Kognitionswissenschaft
(Research Units)
Topology-based Visual Analysis of Information Spaces
(Priority Programmes)