Project Details
Professor Dr.-Ing. Bernd Scholz-Reiter
BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH
an der Universität Bremen
Hochschulring 20
28359 Bremen
- As Applicant
- Completed projects
- Reactive control of supply chain by agent systems (Priority Programmes)
- Synchronisation der Knoten in Produktions- und Logistiknetzwerken (Research Grants)
- Learning and Self-Organization in Production Planing an Control (Research Grants)
- Open Access Publizieren 2014 / Universität Bremen (Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch)
- Completed projects
- As Spokesperson
- Completed projects
- SFB 637: Autonomous Cooperating Logistic Processes - A Paradigm Shift and its Limitations (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Completed projects
- As Project Head
- Completed projects
- Dynamics of Autonomous Processes: Modelling and Analysis of the Dynamics of Autonomous Logistic Processes (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Adaptive Business Processes - Modelling and Methodology: Modelling Tool for the Design of Adaptive Business Processes (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Coordination and Management: Central Coordination and Management of the Collaborative Research Centre (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Common Demonstrator and Application Platform for the Collaborative Research Centre (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Integrated Graduate School of the Collaborative Research Centre (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Entwicklung von Sensorsystemen zur selbststeuernden Lagerverwaltung von Fahrzeugen auf einem Automobil-Terminal (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Autonomously controlled dispatching of rental articles (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Quality inspection and logistic quality assurance of micro technical manufacturing processes (Collaborative Research Centres)
- A simultaneous engineering method for the development of process chains in micro manufacturing (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Completed projects