Professorin Dr. Anna M. Wobus
No current work address.
As Applicant
Completed projects
Regulation der Herzzelldifferenzierung und Interaktion von Integrin-, Cadherin- und Wachstumsfaktor-kontrollierten Signalwegen
(Research Grants)
Differentiation of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells into pancreatic precursor and insulin-producing ß-cells
(Priority Programmes)
Coordinator application within the Priority Program "Stem cells" (SPP 1109)
(Priority Programmes)
As Spokesperson
Completed projects
SPP 1109: Embryonal and Tissue-Specific Stem Cells - Regenerative Systems for Cell and Tissue Repair
(Priority Programmes)
As Project Head
Completed projects
Modulation der kardiovaskulären und neuronalen Differenzierung von ß1- oder a6-Integrin und erbB2-defekten ES-Zellen
(Collaborative Research Centres)