Privatdozent Dr. Axel Schwope
Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
An der Sternwarte 16
14482 Potsdam
As Applicant
Current projects
The evolution of Cataclysmic Variables and their contribution to the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission
(Research Units)
Unveiling the X-ray faint end of the Isolated Neutron Star Population
(Research Units)
Completed projects
Identifikation von alten isolierten Neutronensternen und Magnetismus pur im AM Herculis Stern HS 1023+3900
(Research Grants)
Doppelmapping des asynchronen Polars BY Cam
(Research Grants)
Dopplermapping des Begleitsterns in CVs
(Research Grants)
Resolving the accretion geomety of asynchronous Polars
(Research Grants)
The spin evolution in the asynchronous Polar RX J0524+42
(Research Grants)
Variabilitätsstudien mit robotischen Teleskopen
(Research Grants)
XMM/TWIN observations of the eclipsing polar HU Aqr
(Research Grants)
Studying the Evolution of Cosmic Structure with Distant X-ray selected Clusters of Galaxies
(Priority Programmes)
Understanding close binary evolution from SDSS/SEGUE binaries
(Research Grants)
Understanding close binary evolution from SDSS/SEGUE binaries
(Research Grants)
Understanding close binary evolution from SDSS/SEGUE binaries
(Research Grants)
Studying the Evolution of Cosmic Structure with Distant X-ray selected Clusters of Galaxies
(Priority Programmes)
Understanding close binary evolution from SDSS/SEGUE binaries
(Research Grants)
Understanding close binary evolution from SDSS/SEGUE binaries
(Research Grants)
Close binary evolution
(Research Grants)
Understanding close binary evolution from SDSS/SEGUE binaries
(Research Grants)
Precise masses and radii from eclipsing WD/MS binaries
(Research Grants)
As Co-Investigator
Current projects
Population Studies in Nearby Galaxies
(Research Units)