Professor Dr. Edgar Maiß (†)
As Applicant
Completed projects
Optimierung RNA-vermittelter Virusresistenz in Tomaten und weitere molekulare Charakterisierung des Tomato necrotic spot virus (TNSV Tospovirus)
(Research Units)
Molecular characterization of vector and host specificity of aphid and mite transmissible viruses of grasses
(Research Grants)
The disease complex Beet necrotic yellow vein virus and Beet soil borne mosaic virus on Beta vulgaris , Analysis of viral molecular biology, interactions and resistance stability in Beta vulgaris (Molecular Benyvirus-Interactions and Evolution in Sugarbeet)
(Research Grants)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Analyse der Migration und Dispersion der Schwebfliege Episyrphus balteatus mit Hilfe populationsgenetischer Methoden
(Research Grants)
Untersuchungen zur Beteiligung von Polymerase (NIb) und Helikase (CI) des Plum pox virus der Pflaume (PPV) an der RNA-Rekombination
(Research Grants)