Project Details
Professor Dr. Heiko J. Luhmann
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Institut für Physiologie
Duesbergweg 6
55128 Mainz
As Applicant
Current projects
Regulation of Barrel Cortex Plasticity (Research Grants)
Completed projects
Struktur, Funktion und Plastizität der perinatalen Großhirnrinde (Research Grants)
Oszillation und Synchronisation im neonatalen Cortex der Maus (Research Grants)
Development of a barrel-related cortical column in the newborn rat (Research Units)
Coordination funds etc. (Research Units)
Function of lateral Inhibition in layer 2/3 of adult mouse barrel cortex (Research Grants)
Current projects
As Spokesperson
Completed projects
GRK 1044: Developmental and Disease-induced Modifications of the Nervous System (Research Training Groups)
FOR 1341: Barrel Cortex Function (Research Units)
Completed projects
As Project Head
Completed projects
Ontogenetische Aspekte Hypoxie- und Ischämie-induzierter Änderungen in der Struktur und Funktion des Neocortex (Collaborative Research Centres)
Die wechselseitige Regulation der beiden retrograden synaptischen Botenstoffe BDNF und NO bei der Langzeitpotenzierung (Collaborative Research Centres)
Chemically modified proteins, protein complexes and protein aggregates - studies on cell interactions and transport (Collaborative Research Centres)
Lipid signaling by anandamide and the bliss of resilience: genetic models at cellular and neural-network levels (Collaborative Research Centres)
Activity-Dependent Regulation of Apoptosis in Developing Rodent Cerebral Cortex. (Collaborative Research Centres)
Homeostatic regulation of mTOR dependent synaptic function (Collaborative Research Centres)
Integrated Research Training Group on Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Neural Homoeostasis (Collaborative Research Centres)
Completed projects
- As Participating Person