Project Details
Professor Dr. Heiko J. Luhmann
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Institut für Physiologie
Duesbergweg 6
55128 Mainz
- As Applicant
- Current projects
- Regulation of Barrel Cortex Plasticity (Research Grants)
- Completed projects
- Struktur, Funktion und Plastizität der perinatalen Großhirnrinde (Research Grants)
- Oszillation und Synchronisation im neonatalen Cortex der Maus (Research Grants)
- Development of a barrel-related cortical column in the newborn rat (Research Units)
- Coordination funds etc. (Research Units)
- Function of lateral Inhibition in layer 2/3 of adult mouse barrel cortex (Research Grants)
- Current projects
- As Spokesperson
- Completed projects
- GRK 1044: Developmental and Disease-induced Modifications of the Nervous System (Research Training Groups)
- FOR 1341: Barrel Cortex Function (Research Units)
- Completed projects
- As Project Head
- Completed projects
- Ontogenetische Aspekte Hypoxie- und Ischämie-induzierter Änderungen in der Struktur und Funktion des Neocortex (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Die wechselseitige Regulation der beiden retrograden synaptischen Botenstoffe BDNF und NO bei der Langzeitpotenzierung (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Chemically modified proteins, protein complexes and protein aggregates - studies on cell interactions and transport (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Lipid signaling by anandamide and the bliss of resilience: genetic models at cellular and neural-network levels (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Activity-Dependent Regulation of Apoptosis in Developing Rodent Cerebral Cortex. (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Homeostatic regulation of mTOR dependent synaptic function (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Integrated Research Training Group on Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Neural Homoeostasis (Collaborative Research Centres)
- Completed projects
- As Participating Person