Project Details
Professor Dr. Ulf Karsten
Universität Rostock
Institut für Biowissenschaften
Lehrstuhl Angewandte Ökologie und Phykologie
Albert-Einstein-Straße 3
18059 Rostock
As Applicant
Current projects
Algivorous Cercozoa shape the community composition of cryptogamic covers, the dominant vegetation in Polar Regions. (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Molecular and physiological mechanisms of fungal parasitism and their ecological consequences in polar waters (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Coordination Funds (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
Biomasse, Primärproduktion und Ökophysiologie des Mikrophytobenthos im arktischen Kongsfjord, Spitzbergen (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Dark survival strategies in benthic diatoms from polar waters (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Biologische Bodenkrustenalgen in den Polarregionen - Biodiversität, genetische Diversität und Ökosystem-Elastizität unter Global Change Szenarien (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Climate change impacts on Arctic soil and lake microbiomes (Research Grants)
Ecological role of fungal parasites on benthic diatoms of polar coastal waters (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Current projects
As Spokesperson
Current projects
SPP 1158: Infrastructure area - Antarctic Research with Comparative Investigations in Arctic Sea Ice Areas (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Current projects
- As Participating Researcher
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Differential selection of photobionts and ecophysiological acclimation by the bipolar lichen Cetraria aculeata (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Antarctic phytoplankton in response to environmental change studied by a synergistic approach using multi- and hyper-spectral satellite data (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Completed projects