Professor Dr. Elmar K. Jessberger (†)
As Applicant
Completed projects
The relevance of volatile elements for origin and history of interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) as well as for early metamorphic processes
(Research Grants)
Mysterit - Kometare Meteorite?
(Research Grants)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Mikrostrukturelle und mikrochemische Untersuchungen an Ca,Al-reichen Einschlüsse (CAIs) und interstellaren Körnern in primitiven Meteoriten
(Research Grants)
Systematic and comprehensive interdisciplinary analysis of all Martian meteorites - TOF-SIMS investigation
(Priority Programmes)
Systematic and comprehensive interdisciplinary analysis of all Martian meteorites - TOF-SIMS investigation
(Research Grants)
Edelgase und Stickstoff in Mars-Meteoriten als Hinweise zur Entwicklung der Mars-Atmosphäre
(Research Grants)
Systematische Untersuchungen der Stoßwellenmetamorphose aller Marsmeteorite (Systematic investigation of shock metamorphism of all Martian meteorites)
(Research Grants)
Systematische und umfassende interdisziplinäre Analyse aller Marsmeteorite
(Research Grants)
Systematische und umfassende interdisziplinäre Analyse aller Marsmeteorite
(Research Grants)
Isotopic, elemental, and structural analysis of presolar matter
(Research Grants)
As Host
Completed projects
Problems of planetesimal formation, radiation pressure, gas-dust interaction and photophoresis in astrophysical and planetary environments
(Heisenberg Fellowships)