Professor Dr. Adalbert J. Gail (†)
As Applicant
Completed projects
Alter und Ikonographie der buddhistischen Figuren in den buddhistischen Anlagen von Ratnagiri, Udayagiri, Lalitagiri, District Cuttack, Orissa
(Priority Programmes)
Sonnenkult in Indien
(Publication Grants)
The world view of the Hindus
(Publication Grants)
Sonnenverehrung - Sonnenkult in Nepal
(Research Grants)
Schlangenmotive und Schlangendekor an hinduistischen und buddhistischen Tempelanlagen in Angkor
(Research Grants)
Sunworship in the Civilizations of the World
(Publication Grants)
Hindu art in Southeastasia compared with Indian art - pantheon and iconography
(Research Grants)