Professor Dr.-Ing. Hans-Gerhard Fritz (†)
As Applicant
Completed projects
Synthesis of new polylactides (PLA) and polylactide-based copolymers via reactive extrusion, and the development of new methods for characterising the molecular and chemical heterogeneity of these polymers
(Research Grants)
Developing and testing of a production process for adsorptive honeycomb structures with thermoplastic polymers as plastication aid and binder
(Research Grants)
Schmelzspinnen vernetzbarer thermoplastischer Elastomere mittels Zweischneckenextruder
(Research Grants)
Analyse und Modellierung der Wechselwirkung zwischen makroskopischen Deformationen und Defektmechanismen in thermotropen LCP-Schmelzen
(Research Grants)
Flow behaviour and strain induced morphology development of di- and star shaped block copolymers with lamellar structure.
(Research Grants)
Innovative coextrudates with improved bond quality realized by a covalent linkage of the layers
(Research Grants)
As Project Head
Completed projects
Morphologieausbildung bei der Erzeugung Thermoplastischer Elastomere
(Collaborative Research Centres)
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Schmelzspinnen vernetzbarer thermoplastischer Elastomere mittels Zweischneckenextruder
(Research Grants)