Project Details
Professor Dr. Jörg Erzinger
Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ)
Sektion 3.1: Anorganische und Isotopengeochemie
14473 Potsdam
As Applicant
Completed projects
Gasgeochemische Überwachung des Vulkans Merapi (Indonesien) (Research Grants)
Zur Geochemie der Kupfervererzung am Manihiki-Plateau - Geochemie und Petrologie ozeanischer Plateaus (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Geochemie von Cl, Br, J und 10 B/11 B in Ozeanbodengesteinen und -sedimenten; Alterationsgeochemie (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Geochemie, Petrologie und Alterationsgeochemie ozeanischer Kruste in Bohrung 504B (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Geochemie, Petrologie und Alterationsgeochemie ozeanischer Kruste (Bohrungen an 504B und 896A, Leg 148) (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Zur Geochemie der Krustenfluide und -gase in Rift- und Fault-Zonen (ICDP-Bohrungen: Golf von Korinth und San Andreas Fault Zone) (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Fluid production test at the KTB-VB (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Boron and Lithium cycling in the Tonga subduction zone (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
On the geochemistry of crustal fluids and gases of the San Andreas Fault Zone - Real-time mud gas monitoring during ICDP-SAFOD drilling - (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Geochemistry of gases in seismogenic depths of the San Andreas Fault Zone (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Quantification of gases released during seismic events: long-term, on-site borehole monitoring in deep active faults, South Africa (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Quantifying the interaction of seismicity and gas transport in fractured hard rock at earthquake focal depth (DAFGAS-II) (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Completed projects
As Project Head
Completed projects
Bor als Tracer für Stofftransporte (Collaborative Research Centres)
Completed projects
As Participating Person
Completed projects
On the geochemistry of volcanic gases and fluids from the Unzen volcano - ICDP-Unzen-Conduit-Drilling (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Geochemistry of noble gases of the Hawaiian hotspot, HSDP (Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project) (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Characterization of the Campi Flegrei fluid regime in time and space to understand the interplay between fluids/gases and volcanic/seismic processes (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Geochemistry of gases in spring waters along the Alpine Fault, South Island of New Zealand (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Geochemistry of Gases in the Alpine Fault, DFDP-2 (Infrastructure Priority Programmes)
Completed projects