Professor Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Eckert
Montanuniversität Leoben
Lehrstuhl für Materialphysik
Jahnstraße 12
8700 Leoben
As Applicant
Completed projects
Thixoforming von Zr-Al-Cu-Ni metallisches Glas-Matrix-Kompositen im Bereich der unterkühlten Schmelze
(Research Grants)
Mechanisch legierte, hochfeste Aluminiumlegierungen mit quasikristalliner Phase als Hauptkomponente
(Priority Programmes)
Effects of structural order in multicomponent bulk metallic zirkonium glasses.
(Research Grants)
Formation, structure and properties of magnetic bulk metallic glasses
(Research Grants)
Deformation behaviour of Zr-based metallic glass and metallic glass composite at elevated temperatures
(Research Grants)
Structure formation in multi-component Nd-base alloys
(Priority Programmes)
Bulk amorphous Al-alloys by ball milling and spark-plasma-sintering
(Research Grants)
Materials World Network: Mechanisms leading to nanometer-sized materials
(Research Grants)
Scale-bridging studies of the elastic contributions to initial microstructure formation in the eutectic system Ti-Fe
(Research Grants)
Rapid solidification and advanced manufacturing of Cu-based shape memory alloys with complex geometries
(Research Grants)
Flow control using porous magnetic materials
(Priority Programmes)
As Project Head
Completed projects
Local structure analysis by high resolution transmission electron microscopy
Development of new Ti-based alloys for improvement of the anchoring and fracture healing of diseased bones
As Participating Person
Completed projects
Hochfestigkeit und Duktilität von teilamorphen und nanostrukturierten vielkomponentigen Eisen-Basislegierungen
(Research Grants)
As Cooperation Partner
Completed projects
Stress relaxation and creep analysis of high temperature thin film materials on CTGS substrates
(Research Grants)
Structure and thermodynamic properties of a high-entropy TiZrNbHfTa alloy
(Research Grants)
As Prizewinner
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Programm 2009