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Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Institute of Energy Materials and Devices (IMD)
Werkstoffsynthese und Herstellungsverfahren (IMD-2)
52425 Jülich
This institution in GERiT
52425 Jülich
Priority Programmes
Current projects
SPP 1959: Manipulation of matter controlled by electric and magnetic fields: Towards novel synthesis and processing routes of inorganic materials
Guillon, Olivier
Completed projects
Coordination Funds
Guillon, Olivier
Diffusion-controlled processes in polycrystalline ceria: Combined effect of electrical field and mechanical loading
De Souza, Ph.D., Roger
Guillon, Olivier
Herstellung ultradünner Zirkonoxid-Elektrolytschichten durch Abscheidung nanophasiger Pulver
Vaßen, Robert
Herstellung von dünnen Lanthangallat-Membranen für oxidkeramische Brennstoffzellen durch Laserdeposition, Kathodenzerstäubung und elektrochemische Gasphasenabscheidung
Stöver, Detlev
Metal oxide nanostructures for electrochemical and photoelectrochemical water splitting
Bein, Thomas
Fattakhova-Rohlfing, Dina
Pentcheva, Rossitza
Scheu, Christina
Research Grants
Current projects
Assessment of local residual stress distributions at the local repair of components by means of cold gas spraying
Gibmeier, Jens
Vaßen, Robert
Ceria-based Cathodes for High Performance Electrolysis Cells
Bram, Martin
Nestler, Britta
Schneider, Daniel
Willinger, Ph.D., Marc Georg
Environmental Barrier Coating Systems for SiC/SiC CMCs with Enhanced High Temperature Capability - EBCeTeC
Koch, Dietmar
Vaßen, Robert
E-TIP : Effect of Texture on the electrode-electrolyte Interface Properties in all-solid-state Li-batteries
Finsterbusch-Rosen, Melanie
Influence of water vapor on the useable lifetime of thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) on high temperature components in gas turbines
Eggeler, Gunther
Revealing ion substitution effects in Na[Li1/3Mn2/3]O2 with O3 structure for Na storage in batteries
Adelhelm, Philipp
Kaghazchi, Payam
Targeted improvement of the stability and efficiency of suspension plasma spraying by means of adapted diagnostic methods
Mauer, Georg
Zimmermann, Stephan
Zirconia based thermal barrier coatings for extended temperature ranges
Galetz, Mathias
Oechsner, Matthias
Vaßen, Robert
Completed projects
Atomistic studies of grain boundary evolution during cold sintering of proton conducting oxides
Guillon, Olivier
Mayer, Joachim
Development of a mechanism-based lifetime model for bi-layer thermal barrier coatings, part 2
Oechsner, Matthias
Schütze, Michael
Vaßen, Robert
Development of improved anodes in solid oxide fuel cells for conversion of synthesis gas from thermo-chemical gasification of biomass
Lenser, Christian
Spliethoff, Hartmut
Effect of Strain on the Ionic Conductivity of Solid Electrolytes in All-Solid-State Batteries
Kaghazchi, Payam
Investigation of the coating formation mechanisms and system properties of thermal barrier coatings on internal surfaces
Mauer, Georg
Tillmann, Wolfgang
Novel class of mesoporous films of transparent conducting oxides for optoelectronic devices with enhanced performance
Fattakhova-Rohlfing, Dina
Smarsly, Bernd
Novel class of mesoporous films of transparent conducting oxides for optoelectronic devices with enhanced performance
Fattakhova-Rohlfing, Dina
Oekermann, Torsten
Smarsly, Bernd
Wark, Michael
Reduction of the thermal conductivity of circonates with pyrochlore structure for an envisaged application as thermal barrier coating material
Vaßen, Robert
Schichtbildung von verschleißbeständigen Metall-Matrix-Kompositen (Metal Matrix Composite, MMC) auf Eisenbasis durch thermisches Spritzen mit heiß isostatischer Nachverdichtung.
Theisen, Werner
Vaßen, Robert
Sintern dünner keramischer Schichten auf steifen Substraten
Kraft, Torsten
Rödel, Jürgen
Thermal barrier coating system towards high strain tolerance and sintering resistance: design, manufacturing, and characterization
Vaßen, Robert
Thermal spraying of thick film systems - process optimization by means of residual stress and residual stress stability
Gibmeier, Jens
Vaßen, Robert
The role of interfaces in ceria-based multi-phase membranes for membrane reactors
Baumann, Stefan
Mayer, Joachim
Neuhaus, Kerstin
Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
New ceramic processes and their mechanical characterization
Guillon, Olivier
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Investigation of surface reactions on novel SOFC cathode materials by in-situ photoelectron spectroscopy
Lenser, Christian
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Manufacturing of functional components made of NiTi-X basis powders by metal injection moulding
(Project Heads
Bram, Martin
Buchkremer, Hans Peter
Stöver, Detlev
Pulvermetallurgie von Formgedächtnislegierungen
(Project Heads
Buchkremer, Hans Peter
Stöver, Detlev
Completed projects
Manufacture and Properties of Protective Coating Systems on Single Crystal Superalloys
(Project Head
Vaßen, Robert
Protective coatings and repair processes
(Project Head
Vaßen, Robert
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4Ing – National Research Data Infrastructure for Engineering Sciences
Schmitt, Robert Heinrich
Additional Information
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