Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz
Am Museum 1
02826 Görlitz
This institution in GERiT
02826 Görlitz
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Synopses on Palaearctic Collembola, Volume III: Isotomidae, by Mikhail Potapov
Dunger, Wolfram
Synopsis on Palaearctic Collembola
Dunger, Wolfram
The high-altitude environment of Mt. Elgon (Uganda/Kenya) - Climate, vegetation and the impact of fire
Wesche, Karsten
Cataloguing and Digitisation
Completed projects
Digitisation / Cataloguing of non-textual objects: Development of new digitization standards for the large-scale assessment of leaf venation traits from herbarium collections using microradiographic imaging
Habersetzer, Jörg
Wesche, Karsten
Zizka, Georg
Digitisation / Cataloguing of non-textual objects: Development of standards for the photographic documentation of permanent microscope slide mounts in precarious mounting media
Xylander, Willi
Digitisation / Cataloguing of non-textual objects: Digitizing herbarium specimens of polyploid apomictic plant genera in Central Europe
Dressler, Stefan
Hellwig, Frank
Ritz, Christiane
Research Grants
Completed projects
A cross-taxa assessment of the impact of climate change on population abundance
Böhning-Gaese, Katrin
Erklärungsmöglichkeiten und Prognosen der Invasionsprozesse von Rosa rubiginosa L. und Cotoneaster franchetii Bois (Rosaceae) in Argentinien
Hensen, Isabell
Polyploidy generates beauty: exploration of complex genomes of roses (Rosa L. sect. Caninae (DC.) Ser.)
Ritz, Christiane
Regeneration ecology of woody plants at tropical timberlines
Hensen, Isabell
Regeneration ecology of woody plants at tropical timberlines
Hensen, Isabell
Reproduktionsökologie weit verbreiteter Federgräser (Stipa spp.) der zentralasiatischen Steppen und Halbwüsten
Hensen, Isabell
Responses of plant performance and functional diversity along a climate and land-use gradient in Mongolia
Römermann, Christine
von Wehrden, Henrik
Wesche, Karsten
The end of the Pleistocene tundra steppe - interactions between vegetation, climate and large herbivores in Beringia during the late Quaternary (TUNDRA-STEPPE)
Kienast, Frank
Wesche, Karsten
When sex may or may not happen – The impact of asymmetrical meiosis on the evolutionary fate of genes in polyploid roses
Ritz, Christiane
Zirkon-Megakristalle in Alkalibasalten und Phonolithen an Beispiel des Lausitzer Vulkanfeldes
Gerdes, Axel
Seifert, Wolfgang
Tietz, Olaf
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Molecular Evolution and Deep Phylogeny of Deuterostomia
Schlegel, Martin
The Making of a Tibetan Landscape: Identification of Parameters, Actors and Dynamics of the Kobresia pygmaea pastoral ecosystems - Module 4 and 5: Vegetation dynamics, biomass allocation and water consumption of Kobresia as a function of grazing and environmental conditions
Leuschner, Christoph
Miehe, Sabine
Wesche, Karsten
Research data and software
Completed projects
The karyological database for the Flora of Germany (Vascular Plants)
Zizka, Georg
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
BE-Spring: Discovering Collembola biodiversity on grasslands with emerging genomic and metagenomic tools
Bálint, Miklós
Schneider, Ph.D., Clément
DFG Research Centres
Current projects
FZT 118: German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research - iDiv
Quaas, Martin F.
Wirth, Christian
Completed projects
Biodiversity Conservation - safeguarding ecosystem functions and services
(Project Heads
Bruelheide, Helge
Klotz, Stefan
Seppelt, Ralf
Wesche, Karsten
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4Earth - NFDI Consortium Earth System Sciences
Bernard, Lars