Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ
Themenbereich Chemikalien in der Umwelt
Department Analytik
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04318 Leipzig
Research Grants
Current projects
Determination and prediction of surface coating composition, surface properties, and colloidal stability of nanoparticles after in situ exposure to natural waters
Lechtenfeld, Oliver
Philippe, Allan
Development of structural mass-spectrometric methods for the comprehensive comparison of natural organic matter on an individual molecular composition level
Lechtenfeld, Oliver
E=OC^2 – Energy resolves Organic Carbon Complexity in anoxic waters
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Lau, Ph.D., Maximilian Peter
Lechtenfeld, Oliver
Occurrence and fate of water-soluble polymers in the aquatic environment - PolyAqua
Wagner, Stephan
Zahn, Daniel
Redox induced mobilisation of DOC from riparian wetlands (ReDOCs)
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Lechtenfeld, Oliver
Selle, Benny
SUDOCQU: Soil moisture’s Uncertain influence on riparian DOC quantity and QUality
Ledesma, Ph.D., José L. J.
Completed projects
Analyse von Fulvosäuren mittels Größenausschlusschromatographie und hochauflösender Massenspektrometrie
Reemtsma, Thorsten
Auftreten und Verhalten phosphororganischer Industriechemikalien und ihrer Metabolite in Kommunalabwasser und im anthropogenen Wasserkreislauf
Jekel, Martin
Functional group specific reactivity, transformation and persistence of CECs and EfOM during wastewater ozonation
Hübner, Uwe
Reemtsma, Thorsten
Persistent and mobile organic chemicals (PMOCs) in groundwater – Investigation of persistence as basis for the assessment and reduction of PMOC exposure in groundwater
Fu, Ph.D., Qiuguo
Pollutants of emerging concern originating from reclaimed wastewater: plant uptake, translocation and transformation - PECtake
Reemtsma, Thorsten
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Minerals and their interactions with dissolved organic matter as regulators of microbial necromass stabilization in soil
Mikutta, Robert
Schrumpf, Marion
Novel ultra-high resolution mass spectrometric approaches to decipher structural and physico-chemical drivers of soil organic matter stabilization
Lechtenfeld, Oliver
Completed projects
A molecular perspective on plant-microbiome interactions during rhizosphere development
Lechtenfeld, Oliver
Research Units
Completed projects
Mobilization of organic contaminants from urban soils
Reemtsma, Thorsten
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Organische Analyse komplexer Abwässer: A) Substrate,Hemm- und Reststoffe in der anaeroben Behandlung organisch hoch belasteter Abwässer, B) Reststoffe in Abwässern der Textilveredlungsindustrie
(Project Heads
Jekel, Martin
Reemtsma, Thorsten