Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ
Themenbereich Nachhaltige Technologien für die Umwelt
Department Umweltbiotechnologie
Permoserstraße 15
04318 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04318 Leipzig
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Thermodynamics of microbial turnover of organic compounds in soil – matter and energy fluxes under varying redox conditions, biomass-substrate ratios, and availability of biomass building blocks (TherMic-II)
Maskow, Thomas
Miltner, Anja
Completed projects
Bilanzierung des Beitrags mikrobieller Biomasse zur Bildung refraktärer organischer Substanz im Boden mittels Isotopentracertechniken -(Zellen, Zellbestandteile, CO2 und NH4)
Kästner, Matthias
Dynamic (redox) interfaces in soil - Carbon turnover in microbial biomass and flux into soil organic matter
Miltner, Anja
Research Units
Completed projects
Fluxes of redox equivalents in metabolic networks at active zones in aquifers
Richnow, Hans Hermann
Research Grants
Completed projects
Impact of bacterial biomass on the surface wettability of soil particles under varying moisture conditions
Diehl, Dörte
Göbel, Marc-Oliver
Miltner, Anja