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GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
Forschungsbereich 2: Marine Biogeochemie
Forschungseinheit Chemische Ozeanographie
Wischhofstraße 1 - 3
24148 Kiel
This institution in GERiT
24148 Kiel
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Beitrag zum "World Ocean Circulation Experiment" mit begleitenden Studien zu sedimentologischen, luftchemischen und zoogeographischen Fragestellungen - "Meteor"-Expedition 28 - Koordinatorantrag
Zenk, Walter
Berechnung des anthropogenen Kohlendioxids aus Meßdaten der Fahrt 39/3 (1997) des Forschungsschiffs METEOR
Meincke, Jens
Bromoform im tiefen, tropischen Ozean: Verteilung, Transformationswege- und raten, Tracer Anwendungen. Auswertung von Meßdaten der METEOR-Reise M47/1 (3/2000)
Wallace, Douglas W.R.
Meteor-Fahrt Nr. 9, "BARLAVENTO", Koordinatorfonds
Zenk, Walter
Multidisciplinary studies of the sub-polar and tropical North Atlantic (Koordinatorantrag M 60)
Wallace, Douglas W.R.
Regional variability in the abundance, type and activity of large particles in the Mesopelagic ("Twilight") Zone of the North Atlantic and its link to epipelagic biogeochemical provinces (M60/5)
Antia, Avan N.
Sub-Tropical Gyre Study: Anthropogenic Carbon and Biological Degradation in the Twilight Zone (Forschungsantrag M 60/5)
Wallace, Douglas W.R.
Surface ocean - lower atmosphere: Biogeochemiocal interactions in the tropical Atlantic Ocean
Wallace, Douglas W.R.
Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study - Tropischer Atlantik 2006 (2. Deutsche SOLAS-Expedition)
Körtzinger, Arne
Temperatur- und Salzgehaltsschwankungen im Antarktischen Bodenwasser des Vemakanals
Müller, Thomas
Untersuchungen zur Rezirkulation in der subtropischen Warmwasserspäre des Nordatlantiks (METEOR-Fahrt Nr. 6)
Zenk, Walter
Research Grants
Current projects
Anthropogenic Inputs to Biogenic Effects in the Bay of Bengal (AItoBE)
Engelen, Bert
Marandino, Christa
Biogeochemistry of major elements in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
Steiner, Ph.D., Zvi
Historical and emerging contaminant trace elements and isotopes. Sources, fluxes and cycling of Pb isotopes, Pt, Tl, Te, Ag and Gd in the oceans – a contribution to GEOTRACES
Achterberg, Eric
Koschinsky, Andrea
Trace metal-Organic matter interactions in seawater: Exploring the impact of seawater chemistry on trace metal speciation in a warming and acidifying ocean.
Zhu, Kechen
Completed projects
Anthropogenic Carbon, CFC-12 and SF6 in the Tropical Atlantic.
Wallace, Douglas W.R.
Biogeochemistry of trace elements in the southeast Atlantic Ocean; a German contribution to the International GEOTRACES Programme
Achterberg, Eric
Koschinsky, Andrea
Determination of the isotopic signature of N2O in the ocean
Wallace, Douglas W.R.
Development of a consistent thermodynamic model of trace element - organic matter interactions in the Ocean.
Gledhill, Martha
Koschinsky, Andrea
Long-term float-based observation of oxygen dynamics in major contrasting ocean regimes and biogeographical provinces
Körtzinger, Arne
Natürliche und experimentelle Veränderlichkeit der Produktion von DMSP und seines mikrobiellen Umsatzes zu leicht flüchtigem DMS
Antia, Avan N.
Oceanic bromoform-emissions
Wallace, Douglas W.R.
Oxygen decline in the ocean: Implications for oceanic N2O production and the atmosphere
Marandino, Christa
PHOsphorus Speciation in mineral Dust and Marine Aerosol Particles
Fomba, Khanneh Wadinga
Trace element cycling and fluxes in the South Indian Ocean – a contribution to GEOTRACES
Achterberg, Eric
Scholten, Jan
Varabilität der thermohalinen Zirkulation im subtropischen Atlantik
Send, Uwe
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Visualizing Microbial Communities on Plastic Marine Debris: Identification, Interactions and Impacts
Schlundt, Cathleen
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5267: Biogeochemical processes and Air-sea exchange in the Sea-Surface microlayer (BASS)
Wurl, Ph.D., Oliver
The influence of the SML on trace gas biogeochemistry and air–sea gas exchange
Bange, Hermann W.
Marandino, Christa
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Aufnahme und Transportwege des anthropogenen CO2
(Project Heads
Grootes, Ph.D., Pieter M.
Wallace, Douglas W.R.
Expedition costs for the SFB research cruises
(Project Heads
Körtzinger, Arne
Stramma, Lothar
Pelagic transfer of iron and nutrients in the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone
(Project Heads
Achterberg, Eric
Gledhill, Martha
Supply of organic matter to oxygen minimum zones
(Project Heads
Achterberg, Eric
Engel, Anja
Karstensen, Johannes
Tiefe Konvektion - Variabilität und Relevanz für das marine CO2-System (Prozessstudie Labradorsee)
(Project Heads
Körtzinger, Arne
Send, Uwe
Trends and variability of oxygen inventory, supply and consumption in the eastern tropical North Atlantic (ETNA) oxygen minimum zone
(Project Heads
Brandt, Peter
Körtzinger, Arne
Wassermassentransformation im östlichen Becken
(Project Heads
Käse, Rolf H.
Zenk, Walter
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Exchange fluxes of climate-relevant trace gases off the Western AntaRctic Peninsula (EWARP)
Badewien, Thomas
Bange, Hermann W.
Wurl, Ph.D., Oliver
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 80: The Future Ocean
Visbeck, Martin
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