Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Strömungsmechanik und Technische Akustik (ISTA)
Fachgebiet Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik
Müller-Breslau-Straße 8
10623 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10623 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Active Flow Control of Hydrodynamic Instabilities in Francis Turbines based on Linear Stability Theory
Oberleithner, Kilian
Blood damage and turbulence: in vitro study of the turbulence-induced hemolysis in a Taylor-Couette-System
Goubergrits, Leonid
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Dynamics and Destabilisation of Helical Vortices
Lutz, Thorsten
Nayeri, Christian
Experimental investigation of Vortex Generator and Gurney Flap performance effect under dynamic stall and rotational effects
Nayeri, Christian
Completed projects
Active control of streamwise vortices
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Active Micro-Tabs for Load Control on Wind Turbine Blades
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Aerodynamic Drag Reduction of a Platoon of Generic Tractor-Trailers equipped with Base Flaps under Realistic Boundary Conditions
Nayeri, Christian
Akustische Nahfeldholographie in Brennkammern, Methodenentwicklung und experimentelle Umsetzung
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Boundary layers with zero pressure gradient at very high Reynolds numbers
Fernholz, Hans-Hermann
Control of combustion driven acoustic oscillations using plasma discharges
Moeck, Jonas
Control of low aspect ratio wings using pulsed plasma actuators at low flight Reynolds numbers
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Development of active flow control methods utilizing steady and pulsed plasma actuators for low speed flight Reynolds numbers
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Efficient numerical investigation of flow control on wind turbine rotors under realistic conditions
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Experimental assessment of active flow control techniques for wind turbines with a wind tunnel Demonstrator
Nayeri, Christian
Experimental investigation of the impact of temperature stratification on the occurrence of a global mode in swirling jets undergoing vortex breakdown
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Experimentelle Untersuchung der Schallabstrahlung einer turbulenten vorgemischten Freistrahlflamme
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Feed-back control of the precessing vortex core in swirl-stabilized flames to exploit its direct impact on flame dynamics, thermoacoustic instabilities and emissions.
Oberleithner, Kilian
Green Electrical Control of Combustion
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Identification, Modeling and Control of Nonlinear Thermoacoustic Instability
Kabiraj, Lipika
Investigation of the Unsteady Wake behind a Generic Tractor-Trailer with Different Boundary Conditions
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Numerische Berechnung der Schadstoffbildung einer mager technisch vorgemischten, turbulenten Flamme mit LEM als Subgrid-Modell für LES.
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Open- and closed-loop control of instabilities in swirling jets undergoing vortex breakdown with application to swirl-stabilized burner flows
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Response of generic swirl flames to transverse acoustic forcing
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
The Effect of Strouhal Number, Velocity Ratio and Phase Correlation on Separation Control with Spatially Oscillating Jets
Nayeri, Christian
The Interaction between a Spatially Oscillating Jet and a Crossflow
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Thermoacoustic oscillations in can-annular combustors
Orchini, Ph.D., Alessandro
Wegdifferenz-Tomographie: Entwicklung eines bildgebenden optischen Verfahrens zur Ermittelung des 3D-Schubspannungsfeldes mittels doppelbrechender Flüssigkeit
Kertzscher, Ulrich
Research Units
Completed projects
Akkustische Nahfeldholographie in Brennkammern
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs zwischen den Entropiewellen und der Geräuschemission von Brennkammern
Röhle, Ingo
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Experiments and numerical simulations on combustor-plenum-interactions for pressure gain combustion
(Project Heads
Klein, Rupert
Oberleithner, Kilian
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Holistic evaluation and improvement of a gas turbine with a periodic pressure-gain combustion
(Project Heads
Peitsch, Dieter
Stathopoulos, Panagiotis
Integrated Research Training Group
(Project Heads
Djordjevic, Neda
Enghardt, Lars
Moeck, Jonas
Stathopoulos, Panagiotis
Model-based Control of Emissions and Pulsations in Lean Combustion Based in the Mixing Profile
(Project Head
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Multiple scale asymptotic methods for control of nonlinear thermoacoustic processes in multiburner configurations
(Project Heads
Klein, Rupert
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Pulse Detonation Combustion at Gas Turbine Conditions
(Project Heads
Moeck, Jonas
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Pulsed shockless combustion
(Project Heads
Klein, Rupert
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Querangeströmte Rillenoberflächen für hohe Druckgradienten in Strömungsmaschinen
(Project Heads
Bechert, Dietrich Wolfgang
Meyer, Robert
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Hochgeschwindigkeits PIV und OH-PLIF System
Priority Programmes
Current projects
ENERGIZE: Adjoint-based and additive manufacturing-enabled optimization of hydrogen combustion systems
Oberleithner, Kilian
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Zäh, Michael Friedrich
Completed projects
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Spray Flame Synthesis in Pilot Scale Facilities
Adams, Nikolaus Andreas
Paschereit, Christian Oliver
Schnurre, Sophie Marie