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Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Institut für Biodiversität
Lehrstuhl Aquatische Geomikrobiologie
Dornburger Straße 159
07743 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07743 Jena
Research Units
Completed projects
Microbial cycling of iron in acidic fens
Küsel, Kirsten
Research Grants
Completed projects
Archaeal versus bacterial ammonia oxidation in aquatic and semiterrestrial environments - in situ relevance and regulating factors
Herrmann, Martina
Characterization of sulfur species in oxic and anoxic soils using spectromicroscopy
Prietzel, Jörg
Einfluss des Grundwasserzustroms auf die Struktur und Aktivität der Fe(III)- und Sulfatreduzierenden mikrobiellen Gemeinschaft in sauren eisenreichen Sedimenten
Küsel, Kirsten
How Ingested Soil Microbes Stimulate Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Iron Transformations of Earthworms
Drake, Harold L.
Identification of biogeochemical processes leading to acidification of ground- and freshwater systems in Western Australia
Peiffer, Stefan
Microbial diversity-ecosystem function relationships across environmental gradients
Buscot, Francois
Eisenhauer, Nico
Heintz-Buschart, Anna
Küsel, Kirsten
Wegner, Carl-Eric
Microbial life under extreme CO2 exhalations
Küsel, Kirsten
Oxidation of reduced sulphur compounds coupled to the reduction of Fe-minerals in anoxic sediments of acidic lakes
Küsel, Kirsten
Primary Productivity in Permafrost-Influenced Aquatic Ecosystems of the Arctic (PROPERAQUA)
Küsel, Kirsten
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Diversität und Aktivität Ammonium-oxidierender und denitrifizierender Bakterien in der Rhizosphäre aquatischer Makrophyten anhand der Beispiele Littorella uniflora, Juncus bulbosus und Elodea canadensis
Herrmann, Martina
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Biogeochemistry in Zones of Fluctuating Groundwater: Alteration of Rock Surfaces and Interactions with Subsurface Colloids
(Project Heads
Schwab-Lavric, Valerie F.
Totsche, Kai Uwe
Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Küsel, Kirsten
From the Forest Canopy to the Aquifer: the Role of Microbial Processes in the Origin and Fate of Nitrate in the Earth’s Critical Zone
(Project Head
Herrmann, Martina
Integrated Research Training Group AquaDiva
(Project Heads
Hildebrandt, Ph.D., Anke
Küsel, Kirsten
Totsche, Kai Uwe
Trumbore, Susan
Metallophores as Mediators for Metal Cycling: Profiling and Ecological Evaluation of Ligands Involved in the Microbial Cycling of Iron in Complex Systems
(Project Heads
Küsel, Kirsten
Wegner, Carl-Eric
Microbial Responses to Pulsed Infiltration Inputs into Groundwater of the Hainich CZE
(Project Heads
Buscot, Francois
Küsel, Kirsten
Popp, Jürgen
Rösch, Petra
Taubert, Martin
Wubet, Tesfaye
SFB 1076: AquaDiva: Understanding the Links between Surface and Subsurface Biogeosphere
Küsel, Kirsten
Site Management, CZE Operation, and Synoptic Synthesis
(Project Heads
Küsel, Kirsten
Totsche, Kai Uwe
Trumbore, Susan
Completed projects
Elucidation and Quantification of Microbial Nutrient Cycling Through the Assessment of Key Functional Proteins
(Project Heads
von Bergen, Martin
Jehmlich, Nico
Küsel, Kirsten
Warnecke, Falk
DFG Research Centres
Current projects
Central Management
(Project Heads
Bruelheide, Helge
Buscot, Francois
van Dam, Nicole M.
Knight, Tiffany Marie
Küsel, Kirsten
Pereira, Henrique Miguel
Quaas, Martin F.
Wirth, Christian
Completed projects
Biodiversity Patterns
(Project Heads
Chase, Jonathan
Knight, Tiffany Marie
Kühn, Ingolf
Küsel, Kirsten
Molecular Interaction Ecology
(Project Heads
Buscot, Francois
Küsel, Kirsten
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Element cycles in forests and grasslands of the Biodiversity Exploratories: Response to management intensity and associated biodiversity
Kaupenjohann, Martin
Michalzik, Beate
Siemens, Jan
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1257: Alteration and Element Mobility at the Microbe-mineral Interface
Kothe, Erika
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 214: Jena School for Microbial Communication (JSMC)
Brakhage, Axel
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2051: Balance of the Microverse
Brakhage, Axel
Küsel, Kirsten
Additional Information
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