Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
Zentrum für Orthopädie, Unfallchirurgie und Paraplegiologie
Schlierbacher Landstraße 200a
69118 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69118 Heidelberg
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Cellular inflammation pattern in post-traumatic osteoarthritis In-vivo evaluation of the impact of pro-inflammatory cells and their pattern of activation on phenotype-specific post-traumatic OA in mice
Haubruck, Patrick
Injectable in situ polymerizing biopolymer hydrogels with growth factor-loaded nanoparticles for the treatment of articular cartilage lesions - in vitro and in vivo studies
Hagmann, Sébastien
Research Grants
Current projects
Human Impedance control for Tailored Rehabilitation
Castellini, Ph.D., Claudio
Masia, Ph.D., Lorenzo
Rupp, Rüdiger
Osteogenic and angiogenic potential of mesoporous bioactive glass nanoparticles doped with molybdenum and boron
Boccaccini, Aldo
Hohenbild, Frederike
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central data, project and analytics infrastructure
(Project Heads
Rupp, Rüdiger
Schwarz, Ph.D., Emanuel
Solinski, Hans Jürgen
Weidner, Norbert