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Universität Bayreuth
Fachgruppe Biologie
Lehrstuhl für Pflanzenökologie
95440 Bayreuth
This institution in GERiT
95440 Bayreuth
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Apoplastischer Wasser- und Ionentransport in Wurzeln
Steudle, Ernst
Research Grants
Current projects
Death by double stress: how fire and drought interact to influence tree death in savannas
Higgins, Steven
Ullmann, Tobias
Detection and climate change attribution of multidecadal vegetation changes in calcareous grasslands
Conradi, Timo
Tackling trade-offs? Understanding how trait coordination for drought- and shade-tolerance regulates seedling dynamics in fragmented wet tropical forests
Engelbrecht, Bettina M.J.
Completed projects
Aggregated and scaled up estimation of net primary production in a seasonal ecosystem
Higgins, Steven
Apoplastischer Wasser- und Ionentransport in Wurzeln
Steudle, Ernst
A second-generation trait-based dynamic vegetation model
Scheiter, Simon
Climate change impacts on alpine ecosystems
Walther, Gian-Reto
Die Stechpalme (Ilex aquifolium) als Bioindikator für die Klimaänderung
Walther, Gian-Reto
Drought and grazing impacts in semi-arid rangelands: Testing a novel trait-based conceptual framework
Engelbrecht, Bettina M.J.
Tielbörger, Katja
Rates, patterns and causes of vegetation change in the Gran Sabana, Venezuela
Higgins, Steven
Regionale Verbreitungsmuster in tropischen Wäldern: Die direkte und indirekte Bedeutung von Trockenperioden
Engelbrecht, Bettina M.J.
Regulation of root hydraulic conductivity by agscisic acid.
Steudle, Ernst
The ecological role of silicon in tropical forests: effects on plant nutrient stochiometry, drought resistance and herbivory
Engelbrecht, Bettina M.J.
Schaller, Jörg
The relative effects of abiotic and biotic parameters on plant species performance and their inclusion in species distribution models
Römermann, Christine
Von Artmerkmalen zur Walddynamik - Ein Nischendetektor für hyperdiverse Tropenwälder
Rüger, Nadja
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
The role of nutrients for the variability of drought effects on community composition and productivity across land use gradients in grasslands: a trait-based approach (BETol 2)
Engelbrecht, Bettina M.J.
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1565: Complex Terrain and Ecological Heterogeneity (TERRECO): Evaluating Ecosystem Services in Production versus Water Yield and Water Quality in Mountainous Landscapes
Tenhunen, John
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