Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Fachbereich Klimawissenschaften
Am Handelshafen 12
27570 Bremerhaven
This institution in GERiT
27570 Bremerhaven
Research Grants
Completed projects
Anisotropic Slope Limiting Techniques for Ocean Flow Simulation on Unstructured Meshes
Aizinger, Vadym
Danilov, Sergey
Kuzmin, Dmitri
Phytoplankton-Absorption aus SCIAMACHY und MERIS-Satellitendaten zur Verbesserung globaler Abschätzungen der marinen Primärproduktion (PASAT)
Bracher, Astrid
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Antarctic phytoplankton in response to environmental change studied by a synergistic approach using multi- and hyper-spectral satellite data
Bracher, Astrid
Burrows, John Philip
Impact of climate warming on the stability of the Filchner Ronne Ice Shelf and implications for the drainage of the vast Antarctic Ice Sheet
Thoma, Malte
Investigation of Bio-Physical Coupling in the Seasonal Ice Zone (BiPhyCoSi)
Losch, Ph.D., Martin
WedUP: Weddell Gyre Upwelling and dynamical Processes
Reeve, Krissy
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Mehrjährige Klimazyklen im Bereich des Europäischen Nordmeers und des Arktischen Ozeans
(Project Heads
Gerdes, Rüdiger
Mikolajewicz, Uwe
Niederfrequente Variabilität von Zirkulation und Hydrographie im System Arktischer Ozean / Europäisches Nordmeer - eine Bilanz
(Project Heads
Gerdes, Rüdiger
Quadfasel, Detlef
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Consistent Ocean Mass Time Series from LEO Potential Field Missions (CONTIM-2)
Danilov, Sergey
Kusche, Jürgen
Global sea level change since the Mid Holocene: Background trends and climate-ice sheet feedbacks
Kleiner, Thomas
Krebs-Kanzow, Ph.D., Uta
Sidorenko, Dmitry
Response of Arctic sea level and hydrography to hydrological regime change over boreal catchments (RASLyBoCa)
Losch, Ph.D., Martin
Sneeuw, Nico
Current projects
Atmospheric composition and ocean color feedback to Arctic amplification
(Project Heads
Blechschmidt, Anne-Marlene
Bracher, Astrid
Burrows, John Philip
Richter, Andreas
Improved Parameterisations and Numerics in Climate Models
(Project Heads
Achatz, Ulrich
Brüggemann, Nils
Czeschel, Lars
Danilov, Sergey
Dobrynin, Mikhail
Eden, Carsten
Jungclaus, Johann
Korn, Peter
Schaefer-Rolffs, Urs
Interaction of meridional ocean heat transports and regional processes in the Arctic Ocean
(Project Heads
Gerdes, Rüdiger
Kanzow, Ph.D., Torsten
Salzmann, Marc
Reducing Spurious Dissipation and Energetic Inconsistencies in Realistic Ocean Modelling Applications
(Project Heads
Burchard, Hans
Danilov, Sergey
Iske, Armin
Klingbeil, Knut
Wollner, Winnifried
Towards Consistent Subgrid Momentum Closures
(Project Heads
Danilov, Sergey
Gaßmann, Almut
Juricke, Stephan
Jäger, Janin
Korn, Peter
Oliver, Marcel
Completed projects
Interactions of snow on sea ice with atmospheric constituents including black carbon
(Project Heads
Ehrlich, André
Gerdes, Rüdiger