Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
Institut für Community Medicine
Abteilung Methoden der Community Medicine
Walther-Rathenau-Straße 48
17489 Greifswald
This institution in GERiT
17489 Greifswald
Research Grants
Current projects
Applying a social equity lens to population-based alcohol interventions: a systematic review and meta-analysis combined with a community-based participatory research approach
Baumann, Sophie
Roheger, Mandy
Epidemiology of neurophysiological parameters of the brain using transcranial magnetic stimulation
Grothe, Matthias
VACS 2.0: Visual Analysis for Cohort Studies (Visual Analysis of Time-varying High-dimensional Heterogeneous and Incomplete Data with Application to Population-based Studies)
Linsen, Lars
Völzke, Henry
Completed projects
A genome wide association experiment (500K) for gallstone susceptibility loci
Hampe, Jochen
Völzke, Henry
Classical Thyroid Epidemiology - Trends, Reference Values and Predictive Models
Völzke, Henry
Discovery of genetic risk factors for diverticulosis and diverticulitis
Hampe, Jochen
Lieb, Wolfgang
Schafmayer, Clemens
Völzke, Henry
Wedel, Thilo
Implementation of the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for the development of short-scales for determinants of health behavior
Moehring, Anne
Interdependent 3D Segmentation of Abdominal Organs in MRI Data Using Multiple Level Set Methods in Organ-Specific Probability Maps
Gloger, Oliver
Measuring Integrated Care from the Perspective of Patients: Adaptation and Validation of a Generic Patient Reported Questionnaire (PPIC)
Greiner, Wolfgang
Kohlmann, Thomas
Testing the long-term efficacy of a proactive expert system intervention to prevent alcohol use in the population
Baumann, Sophie
The Relation of Thyroid Function with Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Disorders
Völzke, Henry
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Association of serum reverse triiodothyronine, diiodothyronine and thyronamine levels with cardiovascular risk factors and disorders
Völzke, Henry
Visuelle Analyse in der Epidemiologie
Preim, Bernhard
Tönnies, Klaus-Dietz
Völzke, Henry