Klinikum der Technischen Universität München (TUM Klinikum)
Abteilung für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Neuroradiologie
Ismaninger Straße 22
81675 München
This institution in GERiT
81675 München
Research Grants
Current projects
Assessment of the Trajectory of Neuroimaging and Neurochemical Data over the Migraine Cycle
Schulz, Ph.D., Enrico
Beyond imaging of only synaptic dopamine transmission – longitudinal multimodal MRI imaging of dopamine system structure, connectivity, and metabolism from psychosis to psychotic remission in schizophrenia
Brandl, Ph.D., Felix
Sorg, Christian
Cortical Representation of Mechanical Problem Solving in Tool Use
Hermsdörfer, Joachim
Wohlschläger, Afra M.
Hemodynamic effects on cognitive function - Evaluating multi- parametric hemodynamic changes causing cognitive impairments in patients with asymptomatic high-grade internal carotid artery stenosis
Göttler, Jens
Kaczmarz, Stephan
Improving risk stratification and treatment planning in brain metastases patients: Development and validation of AI models in the AURORA multi-center patient cohort
Peeken, Jan C.
Rückert, Ph.D., Daniel
Wiestler, Benedikt
Microscopic brain white matter alterations in premature born adults
Menegaux, Aurore
Predictive language processing in first episode psychosis – the link between positive and negative symptoms?
Knolle, Franziska
Striatal dopamine in psychosis and psychotic remission and its relevance for cognitive difficulties in schizophrenia: a longitudinal 18FDOPA PET/fMRI hybrid imaging study
Brandl, Ph.D., Felix
Sorg, Christian
Yakushev, Igor
Studying brain mechanisms that mediate the influence of socioeconomic environment on adult outcomes after very preterm birth
Hedderich, Dennis
The origin of auditory hallucinations and how they influence our memory for events.
Knolle, Franziska
Towards calibrated resting-state functional MRI – part 2: Combining advanced hemodynamic-oxygenation MRI with dynamic BOLD signal modelling for individualized intrinsic functional connectivity calibration
Preibisch, Christine
Sorg, Christian
Completed projects
Characterization of hypoxic tumor areas in high grade gliomas by means of simultaneous PET/MRT
Preibisch, Christine
Pyka, Thomas
Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on response inhibition and neuronal activity in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Koch, Kathrin
Entwicklung und Anwendung nichtlinearer Bildanalyseverfahren zur Analyse trabekulärer Knochenstrukturen im Kontext von Osteoporose
Kirschke, Jan Stefan
Evaluation of angiogenesis and bone regeneration after reconstruction of the facial skeleton using bioactive scaffolds
Bissinger, Oliver
Fostering the development of fraction magnitude understanding at the beginning of secondary education - behavioral effects and neural correlates
Dresler, Thomas
Obersteiner, Andreas
Individualized assessment of osteoporotic fracture risk at the spine using ultra-low dose MDCT imaging techniques and non-dedicated routine MDCT exams
Baum, Thomas
Kirschke, Jan Stefan
Noël, Peter
Infant Regulatory Problems and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Behaviour and Cognitive Problems in Childhood and Young Adulthood
Sorg, Christian
Neurobiology and Psychophysiology of Impaired Fear Learning and Extinction Processes in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Koch, Kathrin
Spoormaker, Victor
Neuronale Repräsentation von Werkzeuggebrauch und Handlungsplanung
Hermsdörfer, Joachim
Wohlschläger, Afra M.
Optimizing prediction and understanding of osteoporotic insufficiency fractures using surrogate models, numerical simulation and quantification of local anisotropies by X-ray Vector Radiography
Baum, Thomas
Kirschke, Jan Stefan
Pfeiffer, Franz
Rank, Ernst
Plasticity of large-scale neural connectivity following working memory training
Koch, Kathrin
Yakushev, Igor
Preterm birth and the burden of long-term cognitive impairments: neural mediators of risk and resilience
Sorg, Christian
Symptom-specific functional and structural connectivity of the fronto-striatal circuitry in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Koch, Kathrin
Wagner, Gerd
Untersuchung der funktionellen Korrelate probalistischen Verstärkungslernens bei schizophrener Negativsymptomatik
Koch, Kathrin
Untersuchung der funktionellen und strukturellen Konnektivität des dorsolateralen präfrontalen Cortex bei Patienten mit Schizophrenie
Wagner, Gerd
Zusammenhang der molekularpathologischen und funktionellen Veränderungen des Gehirns bei der Entwicklung einer Alzheimer Demenz im Vergleich zum gesunden Altern
Drzezga, Alexander
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 2293: Active Perception
Müller, Hermann J.
Project C1. Aging and the effect of predictivity and utility on perception
Finke, Kathrin
Sorg, Christian
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Whole-body 3 Tesla MRI
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Characterizing intratumoral heterogeneity in glioblastoma: a radiogenomics study
(Project Heads
Menze, Björn
Wiestler, Benedikt
Monitoring of the cellular heterogeneity in human malignant gliomas: Cancer Stem Cells as a target for tumour therapy and imaging
(Project Heads
Schlegel, Jürgen
Zimmer, Claus
Clinical Trials
Current projects
Anaesthesiological Care for Endovascular Thrombectomy in Acute Ischaemic Stroke (ACT in Stroke)
Ranft, Andreas
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Automated longitudinal characterization of the choroid plexus and glymphatic system in multiple sclerosis: facilitation of biomarker extraction and improvement of patient stratification
Gonzalez Escamilla, Ph.D., Gabriel
Groppa, Sergiu
Kronfeld, Andrea
Mukhopadhyay, Ph.D., Anirban
Othman, Ahmed
Multi-scale algorithms and simulation methodologies for the long-term prognosis of endovascular interventions in cerebral aneurysms
Kirschke, Jan Stefan
Popp, Alexander
Wohlmuth, Barbara
Completed projects
Graph Learning and Pathophysiological Models: Towards a New Classification of White Matter Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis
Mühlau, Mark
Rückert, Ph.D., Daniel
Wiestler, Benedikt