Helmholtz-Zentrum für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Wattenmeerstation Sylt
Hafenstraße 43
25992 List
This institution in GERiT
25992 List
Research Grants
Current projects
CRASSOBIOM: The role of host-microbiome interactions in physiological performance of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in extreme habitats
Labrenz, Matthias
Sokolova, Inna M.
Wegner, Mathias
Completed projects
A cross-taxa assessment of the impact of climate change on population abundance
Böhning-Gaese, Katrin
Feudel, Ulrike
Gerdts, Gunnar
Ullrich, Matthias S.
Wegner, Mathias
Holocene sea-level and climatic: Sediment dynamics of the island of Sylt (North Sea)
Betzler, Christian
Untersuchungen zur Diversität und Funktion von benthischen Mikroalgen und Protozoen im Nahrungsnetz mariner und limnischer Sedimente
Wiltshire, Karen Helen
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Co-Evolution of Invasive Parasites with Old and New Host Species along a Gradient of Ancient to Recent Sympatry
Wegner, Mathias
Does stoichiometric variation in primary producers mediate coexistence in grazers?
Boersma, Maarten
Exploring the adaptive within- and between bloom dynamics of heterogenic dinoflagellate population of the toxigenic Alexandrium ostenfeldii in field and laboratory experiments.
John, Uwe
Long- and short-term effects of climate variability and physical forcing on the diversity of aquatic organisms
Hillebrand, Helmut
Match / mismatch of zooplankton- phytoplankton interactions, based on existing long-term information in the North Sea
Freund, Jan Alfred
Wiltshire, Karen Helen
Qualitative und quantitative Erfassung der Biodiversität des Phytoplanktons im Benguela-Strom-Gebiet, besonders im Auftriebsgebiet vor Namibia, während der METEOR-Reise 48
Elbrächter, Malte
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Global change and evolutionary genetics of pathogen resistance in estuarine ecosystems
Wegner, Mathias
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Polar beach-ridges as climate archives (Quaternary of King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) (Polar Beach)
Lindhorst, Sebastian