Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Campus Virchow Klinikum
Medizinische Klinik mit Schwerpunkt Kardiologie
Augustenburger Platz 1
13353 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
13353 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Gq-mediated Arrhythmogenic Signaling and Mechanotransduction in Atrial Fibrillation
Hohendanner, Ph.D., Felix
Completed projects
Bedeutung von Osteopontin und Integrinen für die Angiotensin II induzierte kardiale Myokardhypertrophie
Graf, Kristof
Bedeutung von Polymorphismen in Genen für CYP2D6 und Elementen der beta-adrenergen Signaltransduktion für die klinische Antwort auf die Betablocker Bisoprolol und Carvedilol
Eschenhagen, Thomas
Das Kallikrein-Kinin System bei der diabetischen Kardiopathie
Tschöpe, Carsten
Dehnungsabhängige Aktivierung des Na+/H+-Austauschers am menschlichen Myokard: funktionelle und trophische Konsequenzen
Pieske, Burkert
Identification of coding and non-coding mutations causative for hereditary aortopathies
Fischer-Zirnsak, Björn
Gehle, Petra
Horn, Denise
"Leukemia inhibitory factor" as novel mediator of vascular calcification
Völkl, Jakob
Mechanismen und therapeutisches Potential eines beschleunigten mitochondrialen ADP/ATP Transportes bei kardialen Erkrankungen
Dörner, Andrea
Novel signaling pathways of vascular calcification
Alesutan, Ph.D., Ioana
Serielle in-vivo Chrakterisierung experimenteller Ischämie-/Reperfusionsschäden bei der Ratte mittels myokardialen T1-Mappings
Messroghli, Daniel
Therapeutic efficiency of vector-expressed soluble virus receptor proteins in cardiac enterovirus infections
Fechner, Henry
Tschöpe, Carsten
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Lastabhängige Erregungs-Transkriptions-Kopplung im humanen Myokard
Pieske, Burkert
Muscle and fat tissue wasting in patients with chronic heart failure: the impact of impaired insulin sensitivity
Döhner, Ph.D., Wolfram
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
PKG and mTOR signaling in Heart Disease
Oeing, Christian
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Animal models and human Engineered Heart Tissue
(Project Heads
Alogna, Alessio
Gotthardt, Michael
Heinzel, Ph.D., Frank
Schiattarella, Gabriele
Atrial mechanical and secretory function in human HFpEF
(Project Heads
Falk, Volkmar
Hohendanner, Ph.D., Felix
Zhang, Kun
Central Administrative Project
(Project Heads
Gotthardt, Michael
Pieske, Burkert
Molecular plasticity of HFpEF
(Project Heads
Edelmann, Frank
Mertins, Philipp
Pieske, Burkert
Multilevel human HFpEF phenotyping
(Project Heads
Edelmann, Frank
Grittner, Ulrike
Pieske, Burkert
Rauch, Ph.D., Geraldine
Tschöpe, Carsten
Myocardial immune cell activation and fibrosis
(Project Heads
Alogna, Alessio
Tschöpe, Carsten
SFB 1470: Multilevel mechanistic characterisation of Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction - Towards a novel classification of HFpEF for targeted therapies
Gotthardt, Michael
Pieske, Burkert
Ventricular cardiomyocyte signal compartmentation and functional reserve in HFpEF
(Project Heads
Annibale, Paolo
Heinzel, Ph.D., Frank
Hohendanner, Ph.D., Felix
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
mTOR in metabolic cardiomyopathies
Oeing, Christian
Clinical Trials
Current projects
Colchicine for the treatment of chronic inflammatory cardiomyopathy
Schulze, Christian
Pulmonary Embolism International Thrombolysis Study (PEITHO) Study 3: A reduced dose of intravenous thrombolytic treatment for patients with intermediate high-risk acute pulmonary embolism
Konstantinides, Stavros
Completed projects
Exercise training in Diastolic Heart Failure - A prospective, randomized, controlled study to determine the effects of exercise training in patients with diastolic heart failure (Ex-DHF)
Edelmann, Frank
Halle, Martin
Prettin, Christiane
Completed projects
Characterization of the Cardiovascular Phenotype and Experimental Therapeutic Approaches in Animal Models
(Project Heads
Kübler, Wolfgang
Riad, Alexander
Tschöpe, Carsten
Parvovirus B19-Associated Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy: Molecular Mechanisms of Endothelial and Diastolic Dysfunction
(Project Heads
Kandolf, Reinhard
Lang, Florian
Tschöpe, Carsten
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Image-based personalized prediction of residual risk and prognosis of cardio/cerebrovascular disease
Hennemuth, Anja
Schulz-Menger, Jeanette-Esther
Villringer, Kersten
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1631: MyoGrad - International Research Training Group for Myology
Spuler, Simone
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 203: Berlin-Brandenburg School for Regenerative Therapies (BSRT)
Duda, Georg