Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Campus Virchow-Klinikum
Klinik für Pädiatrie mit SP Onkologie und Hämatologie
Augustenburger Platz 1
13353 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
13353 Berlin
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
KFO 5023: BECAUSE-Y Berlin Center for Diagnosing, Understanding and Treating Antibody(Y)-mediated Neurological Diseases
Endres, Matthias
Preclinical development of antibody-specific novel immunotherapies
Künkele-Langer, Annette
Meisel, Andreas
Reincke, Momsen
Completed projects
Koordination der Klinischen Forschungsgruppe 109
Bornfeld, Norbert
Untersuchung der Rolle amplifizierter Gene auf Chromosom 6p für Pathogenese und Progression des Retinoblastoms
Grasemann, Corinna
Untersuchung der Rolle von Neurotrophinen und ihrer Rezeptoren für das biologische Verhalten von Retinoblastomzellen
Eggert, Angelika
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Deciphering the mechanisms of intestinal stem cell elimination by allogeneic T cells in order to develop novel GVHD treatment approaches
Arnhold, Viktor
Deciphering the role of circular RNAs in the pathogenesis and therapy resistance of ALK-positive anaplastic large-cell lymphoma
Fuchs, Steffen
T cell therapy with L1-CAM-targeting chimeric antigen receptors (CAR) as immune therapy for neuroblastoma patients after haploidentical stem cell transplantation.
Künkele-Langer, Annette
The role of stromal cells (especially cancer-associated fibroblasts) in tumor development and metastasis.
Shalapour, Shabnam
Translation of the c-myc and n-myc Proto-Oncogenes by internal ribosomal entry sites (IRES)
Hundsdörfer, Patrick
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Recombinase-induced genomic structural variants in neuroblastoma (RecoN)
Henssen, Anton
Research Grants
Completed projects
Der Einfluß des humanen Zytomegalievirus (HCMV) auf zentrale Kontrollmechanismen des Zellzyklus und der zellulären DNA-Replikation
Wiebusch, Lüder
Funktionelle Charakterisierung der Proteine STEAP1 und LIPI zur Entwicklung Tumor-spezifischer Marker und selektiver Biotherapeutika für Ewing Tumore
Grünewald, Ph.D., Thomas
Induktion einer T-Zellantwort gegen das Colon-Karzinom assoziierte EpCam-Antigen: Grundlagen für eine therapeutische Vakzinierung
Pezzutto, Antonio
Kontrolle der lytischen HCMV-Infektion durch Cyclin A2-abhängige Phosphorylierung
Wiebusch, Lüder
The hidden bioactive molecules: miRNAs loaded in extracellular vesicles might act as bioactive constituents in European mistletoe
Xie, Ph.D., Wenyan
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5628: Multiscale magnetic resonance elastography in cancer: The mechanical niche of tumor formation and metastatic spread – towards an improved diagnosis of cancer through mechanical imaging
Sack, Ingolf
Neuroblastoma as pediatric tumor model: in vivo mechanical niches in zebrafish and patients
Eggert, Angelika
Heeren-Hagemann, Anja
Current projects
Engineering CAR-T cells against neuroblastoma with synthetic notch receptors to increase tumor-specificity and endogenous immune activation
(Project Head
Künkele-Langer, Annette
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central coordination of CRC1588
(Project Head
Eggert, Angelika
Deciphering the principles of neuroblastoma metastasis to the bone marrow by integrated single-cell and spatial multi-omics
(Project Heads
Eggert, Angelika
Haas, Simon
Engineering CAR T cells to better find and eradicate neuroblastoma
(Project Heads
Höpken, Uta Elisabeth
Künkele-Langer, Annette
Extrachromosomal DNA (ecDNA) evolution and re-integration as a driver of progression and metastasis
(Project Heads
Henssen, Anton
Schwarz, Roland
Molecular technology infrastructure and support
(Project Heads
Altmüller, Janine
Lodrini, Marco
Ralser, Markus
Neuroblastoma cell states and their link to the microenvironment, disease progression and therapy response
(Project Heads
Henssen, Anton
Junker, Jan Philipp
Plasma proteome and metabolome signatures to better understand, monitor and predict neuroblastoma evolution
(Project Heads
Deubzer, Ph.D., Hedwig E.
Ralser, Markus
Preventing neuroblastoma relapses by molecular characterization and targeted elimination of minimal residual disease cells
(Project Heads
Künkele-Langer, Annette
Versteeg, Rogier
SFB 1588: Decoding and Targeting Mechanisms of Neuroblastoma Evolution
Eggert, Angelika
Spatial organization and function of RNA in primary neuroblastomas and their TME
(Project Heads
Eggert, Angelika
Rajewsky, Nikolaus
Support with preclinical animal models
(Project Heads
Dörr, Jan
Heeren-Hagemann, Anja
Schulte, Johannes Hubertus
Targeting MYCN-dependent resolution of transcription-replication conflicts
(Project Heads
Büchel, Gabriele
Henssen, Anton
Targeting MYCN multiprotein complexes in neuroblastoma with miniproteins
(Project Heads
Dörr, Jan
Wanker, Erich E.
The Neuroblastoma Evolution integrated research training group
(Project Heads
Blüthgen, Nils
Künkele-Langer, Annette
The post-translationally modified neuroblastoma proteome as a source for druggable vulnerabilities
(Project Heads
Dörr, Jan
Mertins, Philipp
The role of neuroblastoma-secreted exosomes in pre-metastatic niche formation
(Project Heads
Deubzer, Ph.D., Hedwig E.
Gerhardt, Holger
Completed projects
Development of tailored protocols for tolerance induction by immunoablation and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in autoimmune diseases
(Project Heads
Alexander, Tobias
Arnold, Renate
Hiepe, Falk
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2424: Computational Methods for Oncology: Towards Personalized Therapies in Cancer
Blüthgen, Nils
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
National Research Data Infrastructure for Immunology
Busse, Christian