Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Institut für Biologie
Arbeitsgruppe Experimentelle Biophysik
Invalidenstraße 42
10115 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10115 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Functional in vivo Studies of Algal Sensory Photoreceptors
Hegemann, Peter
Neorhodopsins, Near-infrared sensing Rhodopsin-cyclases
Bartl, Franz
Broser, Matthias
Physical constraints to tune B-cell activation and differentiation
Klotzsch, Enrico
Completed projects
Der Photochromismus des Channelrhodopsin-1 aus Volvox carteri (VCHR)
Elstner, Marcus
Hegemann, Peter
Investigation of BLUF photochemistry by isotopic labeling of flavin cofactor and amino acid side chains
Hegemann, Peter
Optogenetic dissection of cyclic nucleotide signaling in a model parasite Toxoplasma gondii
Gupta, Nishith
Probing functional connectivity in vivo via holographic and molecular targeting
Hegemann, Peter
The Channelrhodopsin mechanism
Hegemann, Peter
Ultrafast dynamics of biomolecules studied by vibrational spectroscopy on selectively isotope labeled proteins
Hegemann, Peter
Research Units
Completed projects
Biochemical and spectroscopic characterization of blue light receptors with LOV and BLUF-domain-type chromophores from microalgae and purple bacteria
Hegemann, Peter
Schlichting, Ilme
Biochemical and spectroscopic characterization of three blue light receptors with LOV and BLUF-domain-type chromophores
Schlichting, Ilme
Central Coordination Project
Hegemann, Peter
Central Project
Hegemann, Peter
Mittag, Maria
Central Project
Hegemann, Peter
Mittag, Maria
Weber, Andreas P.M.
Channelrhodopsin colour tuning
Elstner, Marcus
Hegemann, Peter
Characterization of biomodal light-switchable rhodopsins and tailoring for optogentic application
Hegemann, Peter
FOR 526: Blue-light Sensitive Photoreceptors
Hegemann, Peter
FOR 1279: Protein-based Photoswitches as Optogenetic Tools
Hegemann, Peter
Functional characterization of novel rhodopsins of Chlamydomonas and other algae
Hegemann, Peter
Molecular mechanisms of gene silencing and positional effects in Green Algae
Hegemann, Peter
Nuclear gene targeting in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Hegemann, Peter
Hegemann, Peter
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Development of molecular tools for manipulating and studying memory engrams
(Project Heads
Hegemann, Peter
Rosenmund, Christian
Rost, Benjamin
Schmitz, Dietmar
Vierock, Johannes
Completed projects
Expression and spectroscopic characterization of channelrhodopsins and enzymerhodopsins from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
(Project Head
Hegemann, Peter
Gating and ion transport dynamics in channelrhodopsins and light-driven pumps
(Project Heads
Budisa, Nediljko
Hegemann, Peter
Proton exchange processes in phytochromes and retinal proteins investigated by MAS NMR
(Project Heads
Hegemann, Peter
Oschkinat, Hartmut
Rhodopsinregulierte ionale Signalprozesse in Chlamydomonas und Volvox
(Project Head
Hegemann, Peter
Sensorische Rhodopsine einzelliger Algen
(Project Head
Hegemann, Peter
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
FTIR Spektrometer mit Laseranregungssystem
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Cognitive performance as result of coordinated neuronal activity within developing prefrontal-hippocampal circuits
Denker, Michael
Hanganu-Opatz, Ileana L.
Hegemann, Peter
Oertner, Thomas
Development and Application of New Optogenetic Tools Targeted to Intracellular Compartments
Hegemann, Peter
Rost, Benjamin
Development and application of RoCK, a novel Rhodopsin Cyclase/ K+ channel-based optogenetic tool for silencing of excitable cells
Baier, Herwig
Hegemann, Peter
Schneider-Warme, Franziska
Seifert, Ph.D., Reinhard
Engineering of Chrimson for Subcellular Optogenetic application
Elstner, Marcus
Hegemann, Peter
Rost, Benjamin
Optogenetic dissection of the developing prefrontal-hippocampal circuitry that gates mnemonic and executive maturation
Denker, Michael
Hanganu-Opatz, Ileana L.
Hegemann, Peter
Oertner, Thomas
Shrimp Rhodopsins as new far-red absorbing optogenetic tools
Hegemann, Peter
Completed projects
Optical control of calcium switches that orchestrate fast signaling in the brain.
(Project Heads
Hegemann, Peter
Plested, Andrew
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
A modular dual 2-photon microscope for multimodal optogenetics, synapse biophysics and beyond
Lattice Light Sheet Microscope (LLSM)
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 314: Unifying Concepts in Catalysis
Drieß, Matthias
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2008: UniSysCat
Dobbek, Holger
Drieß, Matthias
Mroginski, Ph.D., Maria Andrea
Rappsilber, Juri
Thomas, Arne
EXC 2049: NeuroCure
Dirnagl, Ulrich
Schmitz, Dietmar