Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein
Campus Kiel
Klinik für Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie
Arnold-Heller-Straße 3
24105 Kiel
This institution in GERiT
24105 Kiel
Research Grants
Completed projects
Generation of immunologically invisible organs through ex vivo MHC silencing to prevent rejection in a miniature swine lung transplantation model
Figueiredo, Constanca
Warnecke, Gregor
Percutaneous laser-assisted resection of the aortic valve
Brinkmann, Ralf
Lutter, Ph.D., Georg
Perkutane Implantation tissue engineerter Herzklappen (Valves) zur Behandlung der schweren Pulmonalinsuffizienz
Lutter, Ph.D., Georg
Stock, Ulrich A.
Perkutane Implantation tissue engineerter Herzklappen (Valves) zur Behandlung der schweren Pulmonalinsuffizienz
Lutter, Ph.D., Georg
Perkutane laserassistierte Resektion der Aortenklappen
Brinkmann, Ralf
Lutter, Ph.D., Georg
Population structure of myeloid cells in healthy and diseased human lungs.
Falk, Christine
Jonigk, Danny David
Schultze, Joachim L.
Warnecke, Gregor
Wiegmann, Bettina
Punching of the aortic valve with transapical and transfemoral approach and subsequent valved stent implantation
Lutter, Ph.D., Georg
Stimulation der endogenen Kollateralisierung im chronisch ischämischen Myokard durch Therapie mit Wachstumsfaktorkombinationen
Lutter, Ph.D., Georg
TiNi Dünnschicht-Herzklappen
Lutter, Ph.D., Georg
Quandt, Eckhard
Transapikale Mitralklappenstent - Implantation ohne Einsatz der Herz-Lungen-Maschine
Lutter, Ph.D., Georg
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Einfluss der Induktion spenderspezifischer Transplantationstoleranz auf die chronische Abstoßungsreaktion im Kleintiermodell
Warnecke, Gregor
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Induction of T cell regulation in a model of living-related donor lung transplantation in miniature swine
Strüber, Martin
KFO 311: Cardiac and pulmonary failure: mechanical unloading andrepair
Bauersachs, Johann
Reversing mechanical stress induced remodelling in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Prasse, Antje
Warnecke, Gregor
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
T- and NK-cell-mediated immune responses of human lung transplant recipients in vivo - impact on the development of transplant arteriosclerosis
(Project Heads
Falk, Christine
Warnecke, Gregor
Clinical Trials
Completed projects
Remote Ischaemic Preconditioning for Heart Surgery (RIPHeart-Study)
Meybohm, Patrick