Philipps-Universität Marburg
Fachbereich Pharmazie
Institut für Pharmakologie und Klinische Pharmazie
Karl-von-Frisch-Straße 2
35043 Marburg
This institution in GERiT
35043 Marburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Biosensors for spatially and temporally resolved measurements of prostanoids
Bünemann, Moritz
The mechanisms of mitochondrial damage-dependent neuroinflammation in experimental models of Parkinson’s disease. The role of Parkin dysfunction.
Culmsee, Carsten
Completed projects
Computer-aided tailoring of the efficacy profiles of G protein-coupled receptor ligands
Kolb, Peter
Dehnungsabhängige Aktivierung des Na+/H+-Austauschers am menschlichen Myokard: funktionelle und trophische Konsequenzen
Pieske, Burkert
Interaktionen zwischen Dopamin, Glutamat und NO in den Basalganglien bei assoziativer und nicht-assoziativer Sensibilisierung gegen d-Amphetamin und Morphin
Kuschinsky, Klaus
NF-kB vermittelte Genexpression nach Schädel-Hirn-Trauma: Ansatzpunkte für regenerative Strategien
Culmsee, Carsten
Role of hypoxia-inducible factor-prolyl-hydroxylase (HIF-PHD) in mitochondrial pathways of ischemic neuronal death
Culmsee, Carsten
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Mechanismen zur Modulation der Ca2+-Freisetzung in Vorhofmyocyten
Kockskämper, Jens
Morphogenesis and the Cytoskeleton in early Drosophila embryogenesis
Brandt, Annely
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Desensibilisierung und Internalisierung G-Protein-gekoppelter Rezeptoren
(Project Heads
Krasel, Cornelius
Lohse, Martin J.
In vivo Detektion der Rezeptor-Signaltransduktion mittels FRET Mikroskopie
(Project Heads
Bünemann, Moritz
Lohse, Martin J.
Kinetische und strukturelle Aspekte der G-Protein vermittelten Signaltransduktion
(Project Head
Bünemann, Moritz
Spatiotemporal and structural aspects of G protein mediated signal transduction
(Project Head
Bünemann, Moritz
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Lastabhängige Erregungs-Transkriptions-Kopplung im humanen Myokard
Pieske, Burkert
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
Functional impact of the psychiatric risk gene CACNA1C in human iPSC-derived microglia
Michels, Susanne
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 2107: Neurobiology of Affective Disorders: A Translational Perspective on Brain Structure and Function
Kircher, Tilo
Inflammatory mechanisms in the context of gene x environment interactions in affective disorders
Alferink, Judith
Culmsee, Carsten
Garn, Holger
Current projects
Identifying inflection signals through continuous long-term monitoring of changes in affect and expectations in genetic rat models for affective disorders
(Project Heads
Culmsee, Carsten
Wöhr, Markus
Impact of chronobiologic modulation on behavioural rhythms, neuroplasticity and immune-metabolic parameters
(Project Heads
Culmsee, Carsten
Jüngling, Kay