Universitätsklinikum Erlangen AöR
Chirurgische Klinik
Abteilung Molekulare und Experimentelle Chirurgie
Schwabachanlage 12
91054 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91054 Erlangen
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Hochdurchsatz-Analyse pathogener Eigenschaften Herpesvirus-8-kodierter Gene in Endothelzellen
Stürzl, Michael
Hochdurchsatz-Analyse pathogener Eigenschaften Herpesvirus-8-kodierter Gene in Endothelzellen
Stürzl, Michael
Research Grants
Completed projects
Beta-6-integrin in colorectal carcinoma: patho-functions and perspectives as a therapeutic target
Stürzl, Michael
Development of antifibrotic therapies for chronic liver diseases
Dieterich, Walburga
Molecular mechanisms of immune evasion in colorectal carcinoma.
Britzen-Laurent, Nathalie
Zelluläre Bindungspartner und molekulare Wirkmechanismen humaner Guanylat-Bindungsproteine in Endothelzellen
Stürzl, Michael
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 2438: Cell Plasticity in Colorectal Carcinogenesis
Greten, Florian R.
Tumor microenvironment-dependent angiocrine tumor suppression in colorectal cancer
Naschberger, Elisabeth
Stürzl, Michael
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Molekulare Pathogenesemechanismen der AIDS-assoziierten Vaskulopathie
(Project Head
Stürzl, Michael
Viral regulators of cellular ripoptosome protein complex
(Project Heads
Becker, Christoph
Stürzl, Michael
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Immune regulation of angiogenesis in inflammatory bowel diseases
Stürzl, Michael
Waldner, Ph.D., Maximilian
Current projects
Angiocrine signaling in metastatic colonisation of colon cancer
(Project Heads
Günther, Claudia
Naschberger, Elisabeth
Molecular mechanisms and therapeutic implications of vascular permeability defects in IBD
(Project Heads
Britzen-Laurent, Nathalie
Stürzl, Michael
The role of the EMT-transcription factor Zeb1 in CAFs for metastatic colonisation and growth
(Project Heads
Britzen-Laurent, Nathalie
Stemmler, Marc
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1071: Viruses of the Immune System
Fleckenstein, Bernhard