Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Institut für Psychologie
Lehrstuhl für Klinische Psychologie
Am Steiger 3
07743 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07743 Jena
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Corticale Mechanismen assoziativen Lernens bei Schmerz
Miltner, Wolfgang
Research Grants
Current projects
Body odor sensory-chemical profiling - from newborns to adults
Croy, Ilona
Loos, Helene
Olfactory nerve as channel for Electrical Stimulation of the Salience Network
Croy, Ilona
Hummel, Thomas
The olfactory mechanisms of empathic stress (OMES)
Croy, Ilona
Engert, Veronika
Rohleder, Ph.D., Nicolas
Completed projects
Autumn School: Kognitive, affektive und nociceptive Funktionen des anterioren cingulären Kortex
Miltner, Wolfgang
Biopsychologische Grundlagen der Glücksspielsucht
Hewig, Johannes
Cortical foundations of the attentional bias in patients with anxiety disorders
Miltner, Wolfgang
Cortical reorganization following rehabilitation of motoric disorders in chronic stroke patients
Miltner, Wolfgang
Emotional processing following insula lesion
Miltner, Wolfgang
Straube, Thomas
Gehirnaktivierung während automatischer und kontrollierter Reizverarbeitung vor und nach psychotherapeutischer Behandlung bei spezifischer Phobie
Straube, Thomas
Neural foundations of hypnotic analgesia and hypnotic deafness, and blindness: Experi-mental evaluation of a neural dissociation model of hypnosis with high and low suggestible subjects.
Miltner, Wolfgang
Naumann, Ewald
Objective indicators of posttraumatic dissociation
Croy, Ilona
Schellong, Julia
The impact of body odor on bonding and incest avoidance over the course of life: a developmental and neuropsychological approach
Croy, Ilona
Research Units
Completed projects
Neural mechanisms of processing emotional information from faces and voices in social phobia
Miltner, Wolfgang
Straube, Thomas
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Influence of odors on pleasant touch perception
Croy, Ilona
Scientific Networks
Current projects
Affective touch
Croy, Ilona
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Imaging the Brain on Oral Contraceptives: A Longitudinal Study within the Ann S. Bowers Women’s Brain Health Initiative
Heller, Carina