Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Otto-Schott-Institut für Materialforschung (OSIM)
Lehrstuhl für Metallische Werkstoffe
Löbdergraben 32
07743 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07743 Jena
Research Grants
Completed projects
A new scientific device for the simultaneous determination of temperature dependent thermal properties: thermal diffusivity, heat conductivity and heat capacity
Lippmann, Stephanie
Anomalous crystal growth in undercooled melts of Al-Ni and Cu-Zr alloy
Rettenmayr, Markus
Critical Solidification Experiments for a new Quality of Thermodynamic Key Data
Rettenmayr, Markus
Evolution of Concentration Distribution and Microstructure During Melting/Resolidification Processes
Rettenmayr, Markus
Metal alloy solidification in thin capillaries - a study of the solid-liquid interfacial energy anisotropy using a novel approach
Rettenmayr, Markus
Numerical and experimental study on the fragmentation of dendrites in the mushy zone of binary metal alloys
Nestler, Britta
Rettenmayr, Markus
Phase selection and nucleation at a plane phase interface with jumps in the chemical potential
Rettenmayr, Markus
Thermodynamics and interdiffusion at interfaces with potential jumps, part II
Rettenmayr, Markus
Steinbach, Ingo
Thermoelectric materials in the alloy system Bi2Te3-In2Te3
Rettenmayr, Markus
Priority Programmes
Current projects
New high stiffness materials for light weight constructions using ultrafast additive manufacturing
Lippmann, Stephanie
Nolte, Stefan
Completed projects
Herstellung und mechanisches Verhalten von gerichtet erstarrten Gradientenwerkstoffen
Exner, Hans-Eckart
Phase stability of alloy-type lithium storage anode materials
Rettenmayr, Markus
Schmid-Fetzer, Rainer
Song, Xiaoyan
Rißausbreitung und Rißschließung in Gradientenwerkstoffen
Müller, Clemens
Workshops for Early Career Investigators
Completed projects
Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Multicomponent Metallic and Ceramic Materials
Rettenmayr, Markus
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
200kV Transmissionselektronenmikroskop