Utrecht University
Faculty of Geosciences
Princetonlaan 8a
3584 CB Utrecht
3584 CB Utrecht
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Interaction of Holocene coastal evolution and fluvial dynamics in the Rhine-Meuse detal, The Netherlands
Hoffmann, Goesta
Sulphate reduction and anaerobic methane oxidation in sediments of Lake Grevelingen
Overschmidt, Nicole
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Biogeochemical interface formation in soils as controlled by different components
Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid
ExpoAware: Environmental VGI for personal exposure awareness and healthy mobility behavior
Masson, Torsten
Schlink, Uwe
Geodynamic models of the relation of subduction under South America and plumes and Large Igneous Provinces in the South Atlantic, with constraints by seismology
Steinberger, Bernhard
Research Grants
Current projects
Allogenic vs Autogenic processes: On the preservation and shredding of environmental signals in submarine fans (AvaFan)
Spychala, Ph.D., Yvonne
Winsemann, Jutta
The Effect of the Medieval Climate Anomaly on Hypoxia in the Baltic Sea: A Coupled Benthic-Pelagic Modeling Approach
Rooze, Ph.D., Jurjen
Completed projects
Analysis of tectonic and magmatic stresses controlling volcanic spreading over multiple time scales. A case study from Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, USA
Plattner, Christina
A novel and unified solution to multi-phase mass flows
Pudasaini, Ph.D., Shiva P.
A physically consistent method to implement volume properties in Calphad-type thermodynamic descriptions of alloys
Jacobs, Michael H.G.
Continental plateaus and tectonics-climate interactions (VAMP)
Echtler, Helmut
Mulch, Andreas
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred
FP 28: High-resolution reconstruction of late-Glacial and Holocene climate variability in equatorial East Africa based on laminated lake sediments from Mt. Kilimanjaro
Brauer, Achim
Globale Quantifizierung der CO2-Senke chemische Verwitterung und der resultierenden fluviatilen Transporte geogener gelöster Stoffe in die Randmeere
Hartmann, Ph.D., Jens
Imaging the western mediterranean margins: a key target to understand the interaction between deep and shallow processes
Flüh, Ernst R.
Microtectonics, deformation mechanisms and rheology of surface reaching salt extrusions
Urai, Janos L.
Plate re-organization in the western Mediterranean: lithospheric causes and topographic consequences (TopoMed)
Grevemeyer, Ingo
Territorien und Technologien in einer instabilen Wissensökonomie: Ein evolutionärer Rahmen regionaler Resilienz
Wink, Rüdiger
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Element cycles in forests and grasslands of the Biodiversity Exploratories: Response to management intensity and associated biodiversity
Kaupenjohann, Martin
Michalzik, Beate
Siemens, Jan
Miocene vegetation dynamics at the New Jersey Atlantic margin
Kotthoff, Ulrich
Synthesis of Paleogene stratigraphy: Towards the first orbitally tuned stratigraphic framework for the early Paleogene
Röhl, Ursula
The role of diazotrophic cyanobacterial blooms in the expansion of bottom water hypoxia in the Holocene and late Weichselian Baltic Sea
Bauersachs, Thorsten
Schwark, Lorenz
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1398: Non-Linearities and Upscaling in Porous Media
Helmig, Rainer