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Friedrich-Alexander-Univeristät Erlangen-Nürnberg
Department Biologie
Lehrstuhl für Biotechnik
Henkestraße 91
91052 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91052 Erlangen
Research Grants
Current projects
Combining computational design and molecular evolution to devise RNA aptamers directed against members of the TetR and GntR family of bacterial repressors
Muller, Yves André
Süß, Beatrix
Exploring the hook-into-groove interaction of the herpesviral nuclear egress complex in a quest towards novel anti-herpesviral inhibitors
Funke, Susanne Aileen
Muller, Yves André
Sticht, Heinrich
Metabolic optimization of Escherichia coli for the de novo synthesis of 2'-fucosyl-lactose from glycerol and lactose in a fed-batch process
Castiglione, Kathrin
Wahl, Sebastian Aljoscha
Weuster-Botz, Dirk
Completed projects
Birgt die Tertiärstruktur des Corticoide-bindenden Globulins (CBG) einen einzigartigen Mechanismus für die Steroidfreisetzung im Zielgewebe?
Muller, Yves André
Mechanism of induction of the homologous global carbon regulators YvoA and DasR in bacteria
Muller, Yves André
Structural and functional analyses of a new form of bacterial type I secretion
Gerlach, Roman
Hensel, Michael
Muller, Yves André
Structural insight into the herpesvirus core nuclear egress complex - investigating its role as initiator of virus nuclear egress and its potential as an antiviral therapy target.
Muller, Yves André
X-ray structure determination of human sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)
Muller, Yves André
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Bioanalytics - Proteomics Platform
(Project Heads
Muller, Yves André
Sonnewald, Uwe
Röntgenstrukturuntersuchungen zur Kofaktorrolle von Tissue Factor (Gewebsfaktor)
(Project Head
Muller, Yves André
Structural biology of plant potyvirus and cytomegalovirus effector proteins
(Project Head
Muller, Yves André
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1962: Dynamic Interactions at Biological Membranes - From Single Molecules to Tissue
Böckmann, Rainer
Additional Information
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