Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT)
Paul-Gordan-Straße 6
91052 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91052 Erlangen
Research Grants
Current projects
Characterization of molecular diffusion in electrolyte systems
Fröba, Andreas Paul
Dropwise condensation heat transfer of fluids with low surface tension
Fröba, Andreas Paul
Effective thermal conductivity of dispersions with a liquid continuous phase
Fröba, Andreas Paul
Experimental investigation and modelling of the heat transfer during hot stamping
Brosius, Alexander
Fröba, Andreas Paul
Merklein, Marion
Influence of dissolved hydrogen on the thermophysical properties of organic liquids
Fröba, Andreas Paul
Influence of the material properties of blowing agent loaded melts on the formation and structure of polymer foams
Bonten, Christian
Fröba, Andreas Paul
Surface light scattering for non-transparent fluids
Fröba, Andreas Paul
Completed projects
Accurate determination of binary gas diffusion coefficients by using laser-optical measurement methods and molecular dynamics simulations
Fröba, Andreas Paul
Characterization of molecular diffusion in liquids with dissolved gases
Fröba, Andreas Paul
Development of the shadowgraph method for the accurate determination of diffusivities of fluid mixtures under high pressures and high temperatures
Fröba, Andreas Paul
Diffusion coefficients of gas mixtures using a Loschmidt cell combined with holographic interferometry
Fröba, Andreas Paul
Gezielte Einstellung von Tropfenkondensation an durch Ionenimplantation modifizierten metallischen Oberflächen
Fröba, Andreas Paul
Model-based Analysis of Diffusion Experiments in Binary Gas Mixtures in a Loschmidt Cell
Bardow, André
Fröba, Andreas Paul
Prediction of the transport properties of gaseous alkane mixtures using the kinetic theory of molecular gases
Hellmann, Robert
Thermophysical Properties of Long-Chained Hydrocarbons, Alcohols, and their Mixtures with Dissolved Gases
Fröba, Andreas Paul
Research Units
Current projects
Experimental investigation of viscosity, interfacial tension, and thermal conductivity of oil-refrigerant mixtures by light scattering and conventional techniques
Fröba, Andreas Paul
FOR 5595: Oil-refrigerant multiphase flows in gaps with moving boundaries – Novel microscopic and macroscopic approaches for experiment, modeling, and simulation
Richter, Markus
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Charcterization of the nature of interactions in ionic liquid co-solvent mixtures by dynamic light scattering (DLS)
Fröba, Andreas Paul
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Apparatur zur optischen Bestimmung von Transporteigenschaften sowie weiterer thermophysikalischer Eigenschaften von Fluiden
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Characterisation of diffusion of nanoparticles
(Project Head
Fröba, Andreas Paul
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 80: Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SOAT)
Schmidt, Michael