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Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Theoretische Informatik und Softwaretechnik
Quality and Usability Lab
Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7
10587 Berlin
This institution in GERiT
10587 Berlin
Research Grants
Current projects
Analysis and automatic estimation of the quality of machine-generated texts
Möller, Sebastian
Conversational Speech Quality Evaluation in the Crowd
Möller, Sebastian
Evaluating the quality of speech services using crowdsourcing
Möller, Sebastian
Knowledge-enhanced information extraction across languages for pharmacovigilance
Möller, Sebastian
Multidimensional analysis of simulated conversations
Möller, Sebastian
Completed projects
Automatische Usability-Evaluierung modellbasierter Interaktionssysteme für Ambient Assisted Living
Albayrak, Sahin
Möller, Sebastian
Derivation and Evaluation of Methods for the Creation, Capture, and Reproduction of Reverberation for Sound Field Synthesis
Möller, Sebastian
Human Perception and Automatic Detection of Speaker Personality and Likability - Influence of Modern Telecommunication Channels
Fernández Gallardo, Ph.D., Laura
Instrumental Quality Estimation for Synthesized Speech Signals
Heute, Ulrich
Möller, Sebastian
Modellierung von Benutzerverhalten zur Usability-Evaluierung von Sprachdialogdiensten mit Hilfe von techniksoziologisch ermittelten Regeln
Möller, Sebastian
Rammert, Werner
Qualitätsmessung multimodaler Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion
Möller, Sebastian
Quality Attributes and Overall Quality of Transmitted Speech
Möller, Sebastian
Schmidt, Gerhard
Quantification of perceived location privacy, and its relationship to privacy behaviour
Möller, Sebastian
Simulation of Conversation Behavior in Case of Impaired Telephone Transmission
Möller, Sebastian
Social Perceptions of Synthetic Speakers
Möller, Sebastian
Sprachsignal-Qualitätsmessung auf der Grundlage auditiv und messtechnisch definierter Qualitätsattribute
Möller, Sebastian
Sprachsignal-Qualitätsmessung auf der Grundlage auditiv und messtechnisch definierter Qualitätsattribute: Untersuchungen zu Breitband-Sprachsignalen
Heute, Ulrich
Möller, Sebastian
Subjective measurement and instrumental estimation of conversational speech quality based on perceptual dimensions
Möller, Sebastian
Subjective measurement and instrumental estimation of mobile online gaming quality based on perceptual dimensions
Möller, Sebastian
Sympathie von Stimme und Sprechweise Analyse und Modellierung auditiver und akustischer Merkmale
Weiss, Benjamin
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Qualität multimodaler Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion
Möller, Sebastian
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1013: Prospective Engineering of Human Technology Interaction
Manzey, Dietrich
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI4DS - NFDI for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Schimmler, Sonja
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