Leibniz-Zentrum für Marine Tropenforschung (ZMT)
PB4: Ökosystem-CoDesign für ein nachhaltiges Anthropozän
AG Geoökologie und Karbonatsedimentologie
Fahrenheitstr. 6
28359 Bremen
This institution in GERiT
28359 Bremen
Research Grants
Completed projects
Atypische tropische Karbonate als Klima-Archive
Westphal, Hildegard
Atypische tropische Karbonate als Klima-Archive
Westphal, Hildegard
Frühangelegte differentielle Diagenese in Karbonaten und assoziierte petrophysikalische Eigenschaften
Westphal, Hildegard
Influence of sea-level rise on carbonate ramp sediment dynamics: Micro-XRF- and XRM-supported investigation of high-energy deposits (Upper Muschelkalk, North Germany)
Petrovic, Alexander
Microbialites as environmental archives from 16 ka BP to the present
Westphal, Hildegard
SYMBIOAID: The role of diatom endosymbionts on the adaptive potential of benthic foraminifera to climate change
Schmidt, Ph.D., Christiane
The last deglacial sea-level and climatic changes. Coral Reef records in the south Pacific : Tahiti (French Polynesia) - IODP Expedition #310 -, Australian Great Barrier Reef - IODP Proposal #519: Potential of diagenetically altered corals for sub-seasonal climate reconstructions
Dullo, Wolf-Christian
Eisenhauer, Anton
Felis, Thomas
Kölling, Martin
Peckmann, Jörn
Westphal, Hildegard
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Environmental parameters controlling the genesis of microbialites in the post-LGM reef sequence of Tahiti (IODP MSP Expedition 310)
Westphal, Hildegard
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Atypische tropische Karbonate als Klima-Archive
Westphal, Hildegard
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Holocene and Anthropocene sea-level records from Indonesia
Westphal, Hildegard
Holocene sea level changes in Southeast Asia
Rovere, Ph.D., Alessio
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 309: The Ocean in the Earth System
Schulz, Michael
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2077: The Ocean Floor – Earth’s Uncharted Interface
Dubilier, Nicole
Hinrichs, Kai-Uwe
Pälike, Ph.D., Heiko
Schulz, Michael