Technische Universität München (TUM)
TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology
Lehrstuhl für Public Policy, Governance and Innovative Technology
Richard-Wagner-Straße 1
80333 München
This institution in GERiT
80333 München
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
2D collidal quasicrystals based on ferrofluids
Maret, Georg
Heterogeneous Nucleation and Crystal Growth in Colloidal Model Systems Studied by Confocal Microscopy
Maret, Georg
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Right-Wing and Right-Wing-Populist Organizations in the Networked Public Spheres in Germany and the United States of America
Kaiser, Jonas
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Magnetische 2D-Kolloidkristalle und -gläser in eingeschränkter Geometrie
(Project Heads
Gasser, Urs
Maret, Georg
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 667: Soft Condensed Matter
Maret, Georg