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Université de Strasbourg
Institut de biologie moléculaire des plantes (IBMP)
12 rue du Général Zimmer
67084 Strasbourg
67084 Strasbourg
Research Grants
Current projects
Target-specific RNA-based bioprotectants for sustainable crop production in a changing climate
Kogel, Karl-Heinz
Patel, Anant
Completed projects
Characterization of CRT1 family members in root-induced basal resistance, SAR, and ISR of Arabidopsis and barley
Kogel, Karl-Heinz
Communication in the tripartite Sebacinalean root symbiosis: the role of endomycotic bacteria
Kogel, Karl-Heinz
Kämpfer, Peter
Cytological, molecular and biochemical characterization and functional analysis of redox-determinants mediating compatible interaction of mycorrhiza-fungi with agronomically relevant monocotyledonous plants
Kogel, Karl-Heinz
Mechanistic analysis of the defence status of low-allergenic carrot and tomato plants
Kogel, Karl-Heinz
Molekulare und biochemische Identifizierung, Charakterisierung und Funktionsanalyse von Redox-Determinanten der Suszeptibilität und Resistenz im Pathosystem Gerste (Hordeum vulgare L.) / Echter Gerstenmehltau (Blumeria syn. Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei)
Kogel, Karl-Heinz
Molekulare und zellbiologische Identifizierung und Funktionsanalyse von Effektoren der Suzeptibilität im Pathosystem Hordeum vulgare L./Blumeria (syn. Erysiphe) graminis f. sp. hordei
Hückelhoven, Ralph
X-KINGDOM-MIF - Cross-kingdom analysis of macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) functions
Bernhagen, Jürgen
Kogel, Karl-Heinz
Panstruga, Ralph
Research Units
Current projects
Beneficial RNA interference in model and crop plants
Secic, Ena
Coordination Funds
Kogel, Karl-Heinz
RNA communication in a mutualistic microbe-plant interaction: Molecular targets and biotechnological strategies for improved crop plant production
Kogel, Karl-Heinz
Completed projects
Barley compatibility factors pivotal for root colonisation and manipulation of basal defence by Piriformospora indica
Kogel, Karl-Heinz
Schäfer, Patrick
FOR 343: Durable Resistance in Barley: An Interdisciplinary Approach with Emphasis on Induced Resistance
Kogel, Karl-Heinz
FOR 666: Mechanisms of Compatibility: Reprogramming of Plant Metabolism by Fungal Effector Molecules
Kogel, Karl-Heinz
Funktionelle Analyse von cIR Genen
Kogel, Karl-Heinz
Service-Projekt: Stabile Transformation und DNA-Array
Kogel, Karl-Heinz
Towards dissecting mechanisms of compatibility in plants and fungi; a systemsbiology approach combining transcriptome and metabolome data
Frisch, Matthias
Kogel, Karl-Heinz
Vergleichende Charakterisierung der Signaltransfuktionswege der Mlg-vermittelten und der Induzierten Resistenz im Pathosystem von Gerste und Mehltau
Kogel, Karl-Heinz
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
P. indica impairs hubs of innate immunity to gain root accessibility - MAMP signaling and ER integrity
Schäfer, Patrick
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Konfokales Laser Scanning-Mikroskop
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Entwicklung von extensiven Low-Input-Pflanzenschutzverfahren im Agrarökosystem Winterweizen unter Berücksichtigung konservierender Bodenbearbeitung
(Project Heads
Kogel, Karl-Heinz
Pons-Kühnemann, Ph.D., Jörn
Additional Information
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