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Universität Hamburg
Institut für Pflanzenwissenschaften und Mikrobiologie
Abteilung Organismische Botanik und Mykologie
Ohnhorststraße 18
22609 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
22609 Hamburg
Research Grants
Completed projects
Assessing fungal diversity in soil, using the microarray chip technology
Rambold, Gerhard
Diversity of glomeromycota, basidiomycetous yeasts and genes encoding laccase like multicopper oxidases along land use gradients at the German biodiversity exploratories
Begerow, Dominik
Buscot, Francois
Koevolution zwischen Brandpilzen und ihren Wirten
Oberwinkler, Franz
Microevolution of fungal plant parasites by means of adaptation to host and climate - a case study using the Acacia rust genus Ravenelia
Begerow, Dominik
Phylogenie, Wirtsspezifität und Kospeziation der Gattung Microbotryum
Begerow, Dominik
The role of mating genes in the speciation processes of smut fungi
Begerow, Dominik
Understanding the Phylogeny, Evolution and Host Specificity of the Exobasidiales (Ustilaginomycotina)
Begerow, Dominik
Priority Programmes
Current projects
SPP 1991: Taxon-Omics: New approaches for discovering and naming biodiversity
Begerow, Dominik
Completed projects
Coordination Funds
Begerow, Dominik
Coordination Funds
Begerow, Dominik
The genomic basis of host specificity as tool for species recognition and delimitations in Ustilaginales - a parasite group with high gene flow
Begerow, Dominik
Kemler, Martin
WBP Return Grant
Completed projects
Ebinghaus, Malte
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
The role of mating genes in the speciation processes of smut fungi
Begerow, Dominik
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Feldemissions-Rasterelektronenmikroskop mit STEM und Kryopräparationssystem
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Functional role of phyllosphere fungi in litter decomposition in response to land use
Begerow, Dominik
Persoh, Derek
Impact of deadwood on functional diversity and biogeochemical traits in underlying forest soils
Begerow, Dominik
Borken, Werner
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
Reconstructing the evolutionary history of the Raveneliaceae (Basidiomycota: Pucciniales) using hyRAD sequencing, and revision of their taxonomy
Ebinghaus, Malte
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