Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Fakultät für Biowissenschaften
Institut für Biochemie und Biophysik
Hans-Knöll-Straße 2
07745 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07745 Jena
Research Grants
Current projects
Mechanisms of homeostatic peripheral T cell maintenance in the absence of the epigenetic regulator SETD1A.
Waskow, Claudia
Completed projects
Cellular and molecular mechanisms of block of dendritic cell development in growth factor receptor mutant mice
Waskow, Claudia
Defining the developmental origin of osteoclasts in vivo.
Waskow, Claudia
DNA damage checkpoints in immunoglobulin diversification and the germinal center reaction
Jungnickel, Berit
Functions and interactions of the Rad6 pathway in vertebrates
Jungnickel, Berit
Gene edited lymphoid progenitors for adoptive transfer as a treatment of primary immunodeficiency
Eibel, Hermann
Waskow, Claudia
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Jungnickel, Berit
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2033: The Hematopoietic Niches
Oostendorp, Robert A.J.
Completed projects
Cellular and molecular components of a functional niche for human and mouse hematopoietic stem cells.
Waskow, Claudia
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Prevention of late phase liver damage by targeted modulation of the liver’s immune response
(Project Heads
Bauer, Michael
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Waskow, Claudia
Completed projects
Sustained engraftment of limited numbers of human hematopoietic stem cells in mice
(Project Head
Waskow, Claudia
Current projects
Impact of Candida albicans colonization, dietary factors and B-cells for systemic candidiasis
(Project Heads
Bauer, Michael
Jacobsen, Ilse Denise
Jungnickel, Berit
Completed projects
Analysis of inflammatory circuits during the Instant Blood-Mediated Inflammatory Reaction
(Project Heads
Chavakis, Triantafyllos
Ludwig, Barbara
Waskow, Claudia
Functional Plasticity of hypermutating B Cell Lymphomas
(Project Head
Jungnickel, Berit
Immunogenicity of islets of different clinically relevant sources in a preclinical humanized mouse model
(Project Heads
Klymiuk, Nikolai
Linkermann, Andreas
Ludwig, Barbara
Waskow, Claudia
Modulation of monocytes and B cell functions by humoral immunity in response to Candida albicans
(Project Heads
Jungnickel, Berit
Lorkowski, Stefan
Skerka, Christine
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 168: Regenerative Therapies - From Cells to Tissues to Therapies: Engineering the Cellular Basis of Regeneration
Bonifacio, Ph.D., Ezio
Brand, Michael
Calegari, Ph.D., Federico
Tanaka, Ph.D., Elly Margaret