Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Angewandte Materialien - Zuverlässigkeit und Mikrostruktur (IAM-ZM)
Straße am Forum 7
76131 Karlsruhe
This institution in GERiT
76131 Karlsruhe
Research Grants
Current projects
Elementary mechanisms of tribologically-induced oxidation in copper
Gault, Ph.D., Baptiste Jean Germain
Greiner, Christian
Enabling ultra-low friction in lubricated contacts using tribocatalytic principles
Dienwiebel, Martin
Moseler, Michael
Influence of load gradients on the fatigue behavior of hydraulic components
Geimer, Marcus
Gumbsch, Peter
Schmitz, Katharina
Probe Liquid Shear Viscosity from Newtonian to Shear-Thinning Regime
Gao, Hongyu
Completed projects
Atomic Friction - (AFRI)
Bennewitz, Roland
Dienwiebel, Martin
Schirmeisen, André
Atomistic and mesoscopic simulation of the strength and the dislocation motion in thin polycrystalline films
Gumbsch, Peter
Atomistic dynamics of crack propagation in complex metallic alloy phases
Gumbsch, Peter
Trebin, Hans-Rainer
Atomistic simulation and continuum mechanical analysis of supersonic dislocation motion and its imprtance for the kinetics of mechanichal twinning
Gumbsch, Peter
Atomistische Dynamik der Rissausbreitung in komplexen Legierungsphasen
Gumbsch, Peter
Atomistische Simulation und experimentelle Untersuchung dynamischer Bruchvorgänge
Gumbsch, Peter
Auslegung von Mikrozerspanungsprozessen mit Unterstützung durch die atomistische Simulation
Brinksmeier, Ekkard
Auslegung von Mikrozerspanungsprozessen mit Unterstützung durch die atomistischeSimulation
Gumbsch, Peter
Berechnung des dynamischen Strukturfaktors in Quasikristallen
Trebin, Hans-Rainer
Brittle-to-ductile transition in tungsten single and polycrystals: Microstructure and failure mechanisms
Gumbsch, Peter
Hartmaier, Alexander
Weygand, Sabine Maria
Brittle-to-ductile transition in tungsten single and polycrystals: Microsturcture and failure mechanisms
Weygand, Sabine Maria
Brittle-to-ductile transition in tungsten single and polycrystals: Microsturcture and failure mechanisms
Hartmaier, Alexander
Entwicklung atomarer Wechselwirkungsmodelle zur Simulation der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Silizium und diamantartigem Kohlenstoff
Gumbsch, Peter
Exzellenzakademie Materialwissenschaft & Werkstofftechnik I: Computational Materials Science - Grenzflächen und grenzflächendominierte Prozesse
Gumbsch, Peter
Numerical and experimental analysis of surface textures – towards a reproducible and robust design of textures in conformal contacts
Frohnapfel, Bettina
Gumbsch, Peter
Numerical Incorporation of the Damaging Effects of Residual Stresses in the Multiaxial Fatigue Assessment of Welded Components and Structures
Farajian, Majid
Structure and Failure of fcc/bcc Heterophase Boundaries in Metals
Gumbsch, Peter
Structure-properties relations in single phase fcc and bcc high entropy alloys under a tribological load
Greiner, Christian
Heilmaier, Martin
Understanding the third body formation during sliding friction utilizing multilayer model alloys
Dienwiebel, Martin
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Mechanisms of graphite lubrication in rolling contacts
Albers, Albert
Dienwiebel, Martin
Moseler, Michael
Multidomain Grey Box based assistant for tool coating selection in high performance milling [MultiDomHPC]
Schneider, Johannes
Schulze, Volker
Stüber, Michael
Prediction of performance of a TiAlN coating in profile turning using a grey box approach (PreProCoat)
Dienwiebel, Martin
Gumbsch, Peter
Möhring, Hans Christian
Completed projects
Berechnung des dynamischen Strukturfaktors in Quasikristallen
Trebin, Hans-Rainer
Impact of electric fields on grain growth in strontium titanate
Gumbsch, Peter
Hoffmann, Michael J.
Simulation des Größeneinflusses bei der Spanbildung mit geometrisch bestimmter Schneide in Eisenbasiswerkstoffen
Gumbsch, Peter
Vorhersage von Grenzen der Miniaturisierung des Stirnplandrehens von C45E mit Hilfe der Finite-Element-Simulation
Fleischer, Jürgen
Gumbsch, Peter
Schulze, Volker
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Dynamics of sliding metal surfaces as case study for complex systems
Dienwiebel, Martin
Size effects and microstructure evolution in textured metal surfaces during reciprocating sliding
Greiner, Christian
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5380: Functional surfaces through adiabatic high-speed processes: Microstructure, mechanisms and model development - FUNDAM³ENT
Lampke, Thomas
TP3: Microstructure-based modelling of adiabatic shear band formation in high-speed blanking processes
Butz, Alexander
Gumbsch, Peter
Completed projects
Central project
Gumbsch, Peter
Continuum Dislocation Dynamics
Gumbsch, Peter
FOR 1650: Dislocation Based Plasticity
Gumbsch, Peter
Modellierung, Computersimulation, Mechanismen der Verformung nanokristalliner Metalle
Albe, Karsten
Gumbsch, Peter
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
Applied Nanotribology
Dienwiebel, Martin
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Zweistrahl-Rastermikroskop mit Elektronen- und Ionenstrahl
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
(Project Heads
Albers, Albert
Schneider, Johannes
Laser-assisted brazing and surface modification of ceramic components
(Project Heads
Rohde, Magnus
Schneider, Johannes
Oil lubricated ceramic/metal friction pairs
(Project Heads
zum Gahr, Karl-Heinz
Schneider, Johannes
Silicon Nitride based Ceramic Rolling Tools
(Project Heads
Gumbsch, Peter
Kailer, Andreas
Surface texturing of ceramics and metals for media lubricated sliding systems
(Project Heads
zum Gahr, Karl-Heinz
Schneider, Johannes
Tribology - Reliability of micro components under tribological demands
(Project Heads
zum Gahr, Karl-Heinz
Schneider, Johannes
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Applied Nanotribology
Dienwiebel, Martin
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Beyond 3D - Tomographic Methodology, data analysis and application in material science as an integrated approach for dynamic and high throughput microscopy (Beyond 3D)
Herrmann, Hans-Georg
High-throughput, Chemical X-ray Microstructure Screening Center for Functional Glasses and Glass Ceramics
Wehrspohn, Ralf B.
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2450: Tailored Scale-Bridging Approaches to Computational Nanoscience
Elstner, Marcus
Completed projects
GRK 1483: Process Chains in Production: Interaction, Modelling and Assessment of Process Zones
Schulze, Volker
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 2078: Integrated engineering of continuous-discontinuous long fiber reinforced polymer structures
Böhlke, Thomas
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2082: 3D Matter Made to Order (3DMM2O)
Bunz, Uwe F. H.
Selhuber-Unkel, Christine
Wegener, Martin
Wittbrodt, Joachim
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
NFDI-MatWerk - National Research Data Infrastructure for Materials Science & Engineering
Eberl, Christoph