Universität Hamburg
Zentrum für Bioinformatik (ZBH)
Institute for Computational Systems Biology
Notkestraße 9
22607 Hamburg
This institution in GERiT
22607 Hamburg
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
Bioinformatic data integration and multi-omic pathway analysis
Baumbach, Jan
Tsoy, Olga
KFO 5029: Precision Medicine for Early-Onset Low Bone Mineral Density Disorders
Amling, Michael
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Discovering liver pathomechanisms via computational and statistical analysis support and train-ing
(Project Heads
Baumbach, Jan
Bonn, Stefan
Zolotareva, Ph.D., Olga
Integration and analysis of clinical and multi-omics data
(Project Heads
Baumbach, Jan
Boeker, Martin
Kuhn, Klaus A.
Lagkouvardos, Ilias
List, Markus
Prasser, Fabian
Schirmer, Melanie
Sharma, Ph.D., Sapna
Completed projects
Bioinformatics data analysis platform
(Project Head
Baumbach, Jan