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Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Fachbereich 11 - Medizin
Institute for Lung Health (ILH)
Aulweg 130
35392 Gießen
This institution in GERiT
35392 Gießen
Research Grants
Current projects
Defining the mesenchymal niche in airway epithelial regeneration
El Agha, Ph.D., Elie
The role of mesenchymal cells in developmental alveologenesis and alveolar repair during lung regeneration
El Agha, Ph.D., Elie
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Biobank of human right ventricular tissue, lung and blood specimens from CTEPH patients
(Project Heads
Dorfmüller, Peter
Liebetrau, Christoph
Mayer, Eckhard
Wiedenroth, Christoph
Yogeswaran, Athiththan
Inflammatory lung microenvironment in lung cancer-associated pulmonary hypertension
(Project Heads
Ghofrani, Hossein Ardeschir
Grimminger, Friedrich
Schermuly, Ralph
Weiß, Astrid
iNOS- and NoxO1-based redox signaling in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) associated PH – pathomechanisms and therapeutic exploitation
(Project Heads
Gredic, Ph.D., Marija
Weißmann, Norbert
Origin and fate of vascular myofibroblasts and smooth muscle cells during pulmonary vascular remodeling and reverse remodeling
(Project Heads
Bellusci, Saverio
El Agha, Ph.D., Elie
Hadzic, Stefan
Phenotyping of pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale
(Project Head
Kojonazarov, Baktybek
Completed projects
Central resource facility for virus genomics and host transcriptomics
(Project Heads
Chakraborty, Trinad
Hain, Torsten
Wilhelm, Jochen
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Core Unit - Genome signatures and integrated systems biology of pathogen-host interaction
Goesmann, Alexander
Hain, Torsten
Looso, Mario
Wilhelm, Jochen
Harnessing FGF-10 signaling to protect ER-stress alveolar epithelial cells against viral infection - impact on regenereration versus fibrosis
Bellusci, Saverio
El Agha, Ph.D., Elie
Günther, Andreas
KFO 309: Virus-induced Lung Injury: Pathobiology and Novel Therapeutic Strategies
Seeger, Werner
Research Units
Current projects
Deciphering Immune Cell Function in the Testis and Epididymis by Single-Cell Transcriptomics, Spatial Proteomics and Integrative Bioinformatics (Central Project Z1 of the FOR 5644 ‘INFINITE’)
Bartkuhn, Marek
Schlitzer, Andreas
Wilhelm, Jochen
FOR 5644: The role of immune cells in the function of the normal and diseased testis and epididymis (‘INFINITE’)
Meinhardt, Andreas
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