Technische Universität München (TUM)
Fakultät für Medizin
Institut für Virologie
Trogerstraße 30
81675 München
This institution in GERiT
81675 München
Research Grants
Current projects
Junk-DNA” meets Developmental Biology: Investigating the influence of HERV-K(HML-2) on cortical neuronal differentiation
Vincendeau, Michelle
Spatio-temporal characterization of ERV expression and regulation in primate brain development
Klughammer, Ph.D., Johanna
Vincendeau, Michelle
Understanding the impact of endogenous viruses on host biology: a combined computational and experimental strategy
Frishman, Dmitrij
Vincendeau, Michelle
Completed projects
Calpain 15 activity in immune regulation
Pichlmair, Andreas
Characterisation and regulation of the alternative cap binding complex consisting of NCBP1 and -3
Pichlmair, Andreas
Characterization of a novel nucleotide based second messenger system regulating innate immune responses
Pichlmair, Andreas
Identification of host genetic variation predisposing to severe COVID-19 by genetics, transcriptomics and functional analyses
Gagneur, Julien
Pichlmair, Andreas
Schulte, Eva-Christina
Lebergerichteter Zytokin-Gentransfer: Einfluss auf die Hepatitis B Virus Replikation
Protzer, Ulrike
Rekombinante Hepatitis B Viren: Vektoren für eine lebergerichtete Gentherapie und molekulare Werkzeuge
Protzer, Ulrike
Speziesübergreifende Etablierung von Hepatitis B Virus Infektionen mittels adenoviraler Vektoren
Protzer, Ulrike
The interaction of Hepatitis B virus infection and Schistosomiasis in chronic pathogen-induced liver inflammation
Prazeres da Costa, Clarissa
Protzer, Ulrike
The role of cellular triphosphorylated-RNA interacting proteins in antiviral immunity
Pichlmair, Andreas
Viral Disease Mapping Initiative
Pichlmair, Andreas
WBP Position
Current projects
Determining molecular mechanisms linking SARS-CoV-2 infection to neuronal developmental defects and neurodegenerative disease
Strobelt, Romano
Mechanisms and regulation of nucleotide signalling pathways in humans
Bekere, Indra
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Cell autonomous defense in the control of hepatitis B virus infection
(Project Head
Protzer, Ulrike
Cell autonomous defense in the control of hepatitis B virus infection
(Project Head
Protzer, Ulrike
(Project Heads
Büning, Hildegard
Kashkar, Hamid
Latz, Eicke
Protzer, Ulrike
Schauss, Astrid
Utermöhlen, Olaf
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Modulation of human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) by CRISPR in human pluripotent stem cells
Vincendeau, Michelle
Current projects
Decisive factors to induce cell death via oxeiptosis and the relationship to other forms of regulated cell death
(Project Head
Pichlmair, Andreas
Effects of constitutive cytokine signalling on tissue homeostasis and liver cell-intrinsic responsiveness to hepatitis virus infection
(Project Heads
Beisel, Claudia
Binder, Marco
Pichlmair, Andreas
Establishment and Fate of HBV cccDNA
(Project Heads
Protzer, Ulrike
Wettengel, Jochen
Functional analysis of molecular perturbations induced by Hepatitis B and D virus infection
(Project Head
Pichlmair, Andreas
Functions and degradation of endogenously generated viral RNA
(Project Head
Pichlmair, Andreas
Overcoming barriers for T cell therapy of hepatitis B and hepatocellular carcinoma
(Project Head
Protzer, Ulrike
Reconstitution of antiviral immunity and elimination of persisting hepatitis B virus infection
(Project Heads
Grimm, Dirk
Kosinska, Anna Dagmara
Protzer, Ulrike
The role of human endogenous retrovirus K as a modulator of microglial function in glioblastoma
(Project Heads
Lehnardt, Seija
Vincendeau, Michelle
The role of RIP kinase 1 in the decision of apoptosis and pyroptosis induction during intracellular bacterial infection
(Project Head
Ebert, Gregor
Completed projects
Redirection of T-cells against Hepatitis B virus infected cells: comparison of chimeric and recombinant T cell receptors
(Project Head
Protzer, Ulrike
T cell therapy with chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) recognizing hepatitis B surface antigen
(Project Head
Protzer, Ulrike
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Imaging MS part 3
LC-MS/MS for protein analytics part 1
LC-MS/MS for protein analytics part 2
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2668: Immune Master Switches in Allergies and Autoimmune Diseases
Biedermann, Tilo
Completed projects
GRK 300: Pathogenic Microorganisms: Molecular Mechanisms and Genomic Approaches
Clayton, Christine Elizabeth